DAO had a fun combat system that included setting tactics for everyone in ur party. DAI is a button masher with the overhead tactical camera option that is so poorly designed it is unusable (and also pointless when you can just mash your left mouse button like a fiend).

Single playthrough of DAI is fine and it is a decent game storywise with pretty maps. Replay value is pretty low because of time sink fluff and minimal choice and consequence. Not as gritty, dark, or deep as DAO. Plus they shit all over some of the lore from DAO in DAI, which was annoying.

Still…it has some good parts and the maps are varied. I recommend getting it on sale if possible and not expecting it to be as immersive as DAO and you will enjoy it.

*I miss the murder knife…*

Last edited by timebean; 18/06/21 12:50 PM.