Originally Posted by Nyloth
You may not believe me, but there are really a lot of players who think that DnD system is bad/boring for video games, which is why Swen says that "you can't add everything from DnD". Because some of the players actually agree with him.

Sven says that because it's literally impossible to add everything from DnD with the engine they are using. You can't have real flying, proper wish, suggestion, etc. DnD 5e is based on imagination not limited game engine. DnD system is neither bad or boring, it's a very good system for a turn-based game for combat, that is just very hard to implement properly. And everything Larian plan to add actually makes sense for a DnD adaption considering that DM being creative and using rulebook not as a holy scripture but as a foundation to build an adventure on is an integral part of any good DnD campaign.