Larian has never done "random encounters", whether it's random spawn in a given map, or random world map encounters during travels, or even "fixed" random encounters that always happen after certain conditions have been fulfilled, and I wouldn't hold out hope that they suddenly would now.

Originally Posted by Alexandrite
Because of how slow the turn based combat is, I actually thought while playing that NOT having random encounters was nice, if I was trying to get somewhere or was in the middle of exploring something specific
This is one thing that would make random encounters much less fun, and could make them not want to do it, even if the thought does cross their mind.

Originally Posted by earl45
But still it just seems so very un-D&D[...]
If you read up on the feedbacks on here you'll realize that this is no where near "un-D&D" as quite a few other things that other players have brought up.

Originally Posted by Alexandrite
I know they were a thing in BG1 though so they will probably make an appearance eventually
If they're making this game based on "what was a thing in the old games", we would have a very different game right now...

Last edited by Try2Handing; 19/06/21 05:12 AM.

"We make our choices and take what comes and the rest is void."