Just to add my voice to what so many others have already said very well, I am one of those longtime cRPG fans who has played a lot of D&D over several editions, LOVES the original BG games, but who does NOT like D&D rules generally. So I am all for Larian changing up some of the D&D mechanics to provide a better video game experience in BG3, in much the same way that BG1 and 2 also did not implement 2e rules 100%.

However, I am also firmly in the camp that is NOT happy with the specific things Larian has introduced into the game as their "homebrew" alternatives to D&D mechanics, and find most of these changes to be frustrating, aggravating, and making the video game playing experience worse rather than better. But not liking these Larian/D:OS mechanics in the game does not in any way, shape or form make me a D&D 5e "purist."