Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Originally Posted by CJMPinger
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
The only thing I disagree with is that he keeps saying "I don't want to make things harder in the game". I totally want to make things harder in the game for people. Like Dark Souls, Cuphead or Vanilla Naxx level of difficulty. The tears of frustrated gamers is a culinary delicacy.

Hard but fair is good. Hard but unfair isn't. Despite enemies and such having large HP pools and Damage in Souls games, I consider the experience fair because most everything is telegraphed visually and with audio cues and the whole game is about timing. Similarly, Cuphead is about learning enemy patterns. Essentially the hcallenge presented IS the challenge presented and enemies do not cheat, they may pull a trick out of their bag but once thats known it is known and can be accounted for. On difficulty though, I want BG3 to avoid RTS levels of difficulty where the AI is cheating and knows all while also just spawning in things for free.

Agreed. No AI cheating is a big one with me. Its a lazy shortcut that some developers take with AI on higher difficulty settings - instead of making it smarter they give it information it should not have.

Then again should it have the same information that we have? We can examine a creature and know its stats which is a huge advantage when selecting spells. Should the AI have that same info? it should know if we are elves, half elves, or drow so it knows not to try sleep spells against us. I'd say yes, if we have the info, they should have it.

I'd say Insight, Arcana, and Nature should become skills that can give that Information and both us and the AI have equal chance at failure and success with that. Perhaps a difficulty mode where the AI is given bigger numbers but that should be presented upfront.