Wizards are too weak lmao...Early access you can solo the entire game using a shield dwarf wizard... Wizards are broken OP currently in early access. They currently have access to divine spells in the core game they should not. There is a head band of perfect intellect allowing you to do a str / con build and still get 18 intellect. Magic missle is the strongest spell in early access. Evocation wizards add int to damage roles as a class feature other wizard subclasses do not its part of the core to evocation wizards.

Wizards have access to every spell currently in Early access.

Casters in general in DND are not the highest single target damage dealers warriors are casters are aoe damage dealers. Its also not unheard of for enemies with intelligence in a party attacking the to take out the artillery as oppose to the tank. If you were in actual combat situations enemies being smart enough to take out the guy lobbing balls of fire in the cloth armor is not unexpected. Vs taking out the character in plate armor with a shield. There are lots of ways to reduce enemies attacking you as a wizard at the same time Misty step being the easiest utility spell for this getting yourself to a location where you are difficult to target while you reign fire down on your targets.

The idea wizards are under tuned is a little funny. Currently they are more powerful in early access than they should be. There primary spells are missing but at the same time melee classes are also missing there big utility abilities. Such as multi attack. So a wizard in early access has access to the best armor can use the same weapons as fighters, can cast all the spells a priest has access to. Does not need high int because they can get a headband of perfect intellect very early in the game. Basically they are a jack of all trades and best / only arcane spell casting option.

A shield dwarf mage is the single most over powered character in early access. 17 str 17 con, Heavy Armor, 18 Int, Can use 2 handed great swords as well as long sword and shield. You can even duel wield as if you needed more over powered abilities. They basically do everything. You can heal like a cleric do ranged damage with spells on par with any other class. Use a 2 hander at close range, Swap to duel wielding for an off hand attack. Switch to a shield for when your being attacked. Your getting 9 7 7 7 hp. You could even take great weapon fighting since you dont need heavy armor or take +1 str +1 con for even more hp and attack value.

So 34 hp 18 str 14 dex 18 con 18 int 8 wis 10 charisma in early access so you have a 19 ac before a shield spell // bonus action as needed. You can use a 2 handed sword when attacking in melee with a +4 damage bonus +1 for the sword so your dealing 2d6+5. You have access to magic missle to ensure you deal damage when you need to. You have ray of frost for ranged damage that you can do until the end of time with int modifier as an envoker. You have cleric healing spells because its in game currently though it should be removed eventually. So you have healing word / shield as optional bonus actions. You have a couple of aoe spell options if needed. If an enemy does come in melee range you can always 2 hander to the face. Swap to Duel wielding make an off hand attack swap to sword and shield so you have the higher ac when its there turn to attack you can even use a shield spell to buff your ac up to 21. A lot of this stuff is possible because the class is not as designed in 5e core aspect and the items / tools you have access to in early access that you should not due to action costs and things not working as designed.

You should not have access to divine spells at all. You shouldn't be able to swap weapons at a whim. And a headband of perfect intellect that early in the game is just exploitable. The entire game can be soloed with just a shield dwarf mage its been done already more than once.