Originally Posted by Uncle Lester
Originally Posted by kanisatha
I've been very consistent as a vocal critic from the day the game was revealed. It *is* nice to see so many posters here who were in the "the game is fine/awesome" camp now coming around to one degree or another and agreeing with the critics that the game is not fine and that it does have some serious problems.

I used to be in the "this will be the game of the decade that redefines the genre, and my favourite game ever!" camp until EA hit. Har. Har. Now I'm a... salt mephit, I suppose.

Quite hilariously, about a year ago I looked at this forum and recoiled in horror at the sight of "terrible toxic haters who do nothing but shit on Larian, it's so sad"; I specifically remember you and Tuco. Fast forward to October and, lo and behold, I agree with most of what "the horrible complainers" say. Myself being one of the most critical complainers.

Originally Posted by kanisatha
But the problems can be fixed. And the game can be fine, even awesome. If only Larian will listen to us for a change.

It could be fine. But, honestly, I have exactly 0 hope Larian would go with anything that's a fundamental change in design philosophy. And many such changes would be - in my personal opinion - required for this game to be both a proper main entry in the Baldur's Gate series and an "RPG of the decade". Or just a game I could really like.

(Btw, I love how the topic devolved (evolved?) into a serious, in-depth discussion on the intricacies of historical and technical aspects of barrels.)
Oh, hi Lester.
Long time not seeing you around here.

I don't remember ever being " a hater" and I'm somewhat hurt by learning you considered me one, frankly. If anything I still remain reasonably positive about the fact that this will be AT WORST a reasonably competent game I will enjoy for many hours.

Of course, I would have preferred if it would turn out to be a timeless classic, but since DOS 1 it really seems Larian just can't help it but put at least a bit of shit on their own plates every time.

Last edited by Tuco; 20/06/21 10:37 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN