Originally Posted by Tuco
Oh, hi Lester.
Long time not seeing you around here.

I don't remember ever being " a hater" and I'm somewhat hurt by learning you considered me one, frankly. If anything I still remain reasonably positive about the fact that this will be AT WORST a reasonably competent game I will enjoy for many hours.

Hello. Crawled out of my lurker-dimension for a moment. Surprised someone remembers me after half a year, haha.

Oh, don't get me wrong; I wasn't saying that you were a hater and changed, rather the opposite(?) - that my perspective flipped dramatically when EA came; it was when I realised BG3 is not the game I had thought it to be and Larian aren't saints who can do no wrong. Before that I had rose-tinted glasses welded into my face and saw a lot of legitimate criticisms as "hating". I greatly appreciate you guys fighting the good fight, although I myself have pretty much lost hope for the game (and hang around because I can't let go). I'm fairly sure BG3 will be generally well-received, but it has a couple of (semi-)deal-breakers for me personally. I just hope at worst it won't damage the genre as a whole by being a very high-profile game with many flawed aspects that future cRPGs might blindly copy.

Originally Posted by Tuco
Of course, I would have preferred if it would turn out to be a timeless classic, but since DOS 1 it really seems Larian just can't help it but put at least a bit of shit on their own plates every time.

Well, BG3 certainly is "timeless"... :P

Also yes, random loot (with colour-coded rarities and all that) can go die in a fire. Or at least go back to Diablo-likes and MMOs, where it belongs.