Going back to the original Baldur's Gate 1/2 experiences. My original character in 1 I didnt roll exploit rerolls, but I did go through the game multiple times and imported him to BG2. The issue being, there were tomes and manuals in the game, meaning you could bump your stats to max fairly easily if you played through the game a few times. Will we get tomes and manuals in this game? Who knows but if we have the import export character system, and you import a character into multi player with a manual of gainful exercise, hand off the book and reimport the character with a new book then export with two books, then repeat ad nauseum until you have a full inventory of books to max your bad stats to maximum. Theres always going to be loopholes but how Larian addresses it can be done. Why not build in the multiplayer system with character generated restrictions and achievements. Dont want imported fully geared characters, just fresh characters with generic stats, click the boxes. want a quick run with fully geared people to see how fast you can finish the game? Let people have it as well. Want to see if you can make a character on 3D6 straight stats, no rerolls Congrats heres your achievement trophy. Why not give multiple options to people.

Also sorry to OP for driving this a bit off topic, but it goes back to the timeframe and expectations I had on a game and not having heard anything on stat rolls since a brief mention in an interview a long time ago.