And hey, if we don't get everything then its not the end of the world, but hopefully we get some stuff. I think we all have a little list in our head of the top three things we want to see changed/removed.
I want Larian to release a staement, where they tell us that they do not wish to change anything, bcs game is perfect as it is ... Just for the fun of all those angry coments, that will be here.
Now for real ... My list is quite short surprisingly ... 1) Popup reactions Well ... that is it. I had second thing, but i forgot it ... so it was probably not so important.
What i really want to see is something like list of our "mega-threats" with notes like: concidering implementation / noted, will be concidered / absolutely not ... so we at least know their vision a little.
//edit: Oh and statement if they are concidering implementing all races, classes and subclases into EA ... or if some (and preferably wich one) will stay hidden until full release ... would be apreciated.
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 29/06/2109:49 AM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!