Originally Posted by Tuco
well, not really.
Did you ever play with companions, in general? Did you complete their specific side quests?
Playing as one of them was basically the same thing, except for occasional use of a character-specific tag during some conversation (not always with a meaningful outcome, either; it was more flavor than anything) and experiencing that same side quest was written by a slightly different perspective. And without the character's voice acting.

that's what I figured it was, so i guess I'm confused then. I just don't see the point of playing as one of them then. Is it more for casual players who don't want to actually set up a character? Or is it because they look more unique than a custom PC can? What's the draw? It's not like you're getting a different view of who they are, because you get to choose who they are. Shadowheart can suddenly become super polite, etc. Or maybe THAT's the draw? Making the origin characters dance like puppets? I just don't get it.