Originally Posted by Try2Handing
Originally Posted by Boblawblah
[...] was there some massive difference to playing as an origin character?
From what I've heard, playing as Fane can open up one or two more significantly different options, but by the time I heard this I was already done with the game.

Originally Posted by Boblawblah
I just don't see the point of playing as one of them then.Is it more for casual players who don't want to actually set up a character? Or is it because they look more unique than a custom PC can? What's the draw? It's not like you're getting a different view of who they are, because you get to choose who they are. Shadowheart can suddenly become super polite, etc. Or maybe THAT's the draw? Making the origin characters dance like puppets? I just don't get it.
Good questions. Up til now I haven't quite understood this myself. To me it is obvious that there's next to no benefit to this. Could it be something to do with multiplayer - because I've never done any multiplayer and missed it? I want to believe Larian meant to do something a lot more creative and original with the whole "origin characters" thing, but for whatever reason failed to do it. Otherwise, if the way DOS2 origin characters plays out was exactly what they intended to do, then that's woefully disappointing. It feels like a massive waste of development resources. And if this is what they're intending to do again with BG3... Helm, give me strength.

One of the main point of the origins characters is creating interactions between the players I think. Usually you will always be playing in a way where you always agree on the " common goal" cause there's no incentive( in multiplayer) to act against each other. And in DOS2 they tried to change it.

The origin character system is exactly one of the tools they gave you to justify going against the will of other players because you have your own reasons. Your own quest to fullfil.
(If one of you plays red prince and the other plays Sebille I think you can't complete both quests or at least there are some complications).

And it allows for each player to have his own " quest" to follow despite not being " the pc". Each player has " His companion".

In comparison BG2 MP looks really bad. You're literally looking at your friend playing while you are in spectator mode story wise.

So yeah it's totally about multiplayer. But idk, although I have to agree they definitely know how to make a multiplayer RPG game work well I don't see why they gave up on the part where you interact with your companions a bit more ( In BG3, in DOS2 it was fairly ok in the end. Even if i still prefered the way it played out in BG2)^^'' I think they simply could blend in both approaches. Make up to X origin characters + simpler non - player characters as companions. No reason for it to be a choice of one or ther other.

Alt+ left click in the inventory on an item while the camp stash is opened transfers the item there. Make it a reality.