Originally Posted by virion
Originally Posted by grysqrl
I'm far less concerned about whatever "soon" means (things are ready when they're ready) than the assumption that the proper medium to release patch notes is a show.

Why not though? It's a cool way to do it. Not like they give us those patch notes too often so might aswell make an event out of it :P
There's an argument to be made for the resources they put into making a show for us being better spent on other things, though I prefer not to lean too heavily on anything like that since I don't know the inner workings of the company and am not inclined to make assumptions.

Of more importance to me, I find the "everything is fireworks" attitude to be kind of insulting. It's akin to "we assume that you are a toddler with no attention span, so we need to keep throwing shiny things at you to make you happy." I'm here to get information, not see two hours of trite gags and some dude goofing around in armor.