Joined: Oct 2020
<snip> Reminds me of a certain terminal we tried to fix. I had 15 people from 2 different countries investigating the mysterious case of a vending machine not being able to sell coca-cola. Like everything else worked but if a cola can was placed it wouldn't work most of the time( sometimes it would).
We checked the software code endless times, the hardware was replaced and...nothing. No coca cola in that particular building in UK for whatever reason. 1 month of 15 people working a few hours per day only on that issue to try to locate the bug.
Until we eventually figured out the country was the issue. We had to pretend that vending machine is in France and all of a sudden it worked. Why? Considering exactly the same machine worked if placed anywhere else but in that building? God help me I don't know. As someone who studied IT, I am not sure whenever I am supposed to laugh or cry at that. But oh god, is the moral of the story relatable. Software and coding in general can be REALLY messy to work with... :'] It is like when you're setting up a computer from scratch - SOMETHING is not going to work and one will have to troubleshoot for hours before the computer works as intended. And then we have the legendary example - something is acting up with your computer and you troubleshoot the issues. No software resets or system reset works, so you pin it down to a hardware issue. Every single symptom points at one particular hardware component, so you have that particular component replaced. The computer is still acting up so you troubleshoot again, and find some overlapping symptoms for another component and replace it. :'D And so it goes until you've replaced each and every component in your entire hardware setup because the issue is ALWAYS due to the very last component that is replaced. :']
Last edited by Dez; 01/07/21 01:43 PM.
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian
Joined: Jul 2014
What? Publicly explain what bugs they were experiencing? I wouldn't really expect them to. Communicate better about what they are doing in general? It wouldn't hurt a bit, frankly. That's true. Underestimating the amount of manpower needed to fix a single but important bug can be insane sometimes. . No one is underestimating anything. I made no complaint about how long it took them to fix the bug. Especially because most of the times the hardest part of fixing one is understanding WHAT is actually causing it. EDIT- Well, that twitter chain proves the point wonderfully, I'd say.
Last edited by Tuco; 01/07/21 01:53 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
<snip> Reminds me of a certain terminal we tried to fix. I had 15 people from 2 different countries investigating the mysterious case of a vending machine not being able to sell coca-cola. Like everything else worked but if a cola can was placed it wouldn't work most of the time( sometimes it would).
We checked the software code endless times, the hardware was replaced and...nothing. No coca cola in that particular building in UK for whatever reason. 1 month of 15 people working a few hours per day only on that issue to try to locate the bug.
Until we eventually figured out the country was the issue. We had to pretend that vending machine is in France and all of a sudden it worked. Why? Considering exactly the same machine worked if placed anywhere else but in that building? God help me I don't know. As someone who studied IT, I am not sure whenever I am supposed to laugh or cry at that. But oh god, is the moral of the story relatable. Software and coding in general can be REALLY messy to work with... :'] It is like when you're setting up a computer from scratch - SOMETHING is not going to work and one will have to troubleshoot for hours before the computer works as intended. And then we have the legendary example - something is acting up with your computer and you troubleshoot the issues. No software resets or system reset works, so you pin it down to a hardware issue. Every single symptom points at one particular hardware component, so you have that particular component replaced. The computer is still acting up so you troubleshoot again, and find some overlapping symptoms for another component and replace it. :'D And so it goes until you've replaced each and every component in your entire hardware setup because the issue is ALWAYS due to the very last component that is replaced. :'] Jesus. As they say the biggest problem is not when something doesn't work. The problem is when it works and it shouln't.
Alt+ left click in the inventory on an item while the camp stash is opened transfers the item there. Make it a reality.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2020
I hate to be a buzzkill but I think wrath of the righteous is seriously lacking in the story department. From the little discussion I had with other people about it, it seems like it is because of a weak source material, which honestly is not a good excuse. The companion cast of this game is probably the best I've seen in years, but still, a weak story seriously drag this game down To many people, a great companion cast will elevate the story beyond how it’d be normally received. Like DAO and DAI would be pretty generic saving the world stories if it weren’t for the twists the companions in both games brought to the table, for instance. That’s all. On the topic of Dorian and Astarion, WotR’s Daeran is much closer to Dorian in that he has actual political ability/connections to the nobility, primary difference being he isn’t afraid to use it to encourage you to ignore and snub the useless nobles. And he has little concept of personal decency either. He’s not in this to please other people. Wenduag would be closer to an Astarion type, and though I’ve never played with her since I usually go for Lann, she supposedly has a lot more depth than she appears at first glance. Like I see people describe her as someone that worships people and beings of great power in the hopes of attaining it herself, but she is actually doing it to try to elevate her cursed mongrelmen in a super roundabout way. She will also support anyone seeking the same thing alongside her, and the evil part is mostly about quickly deciding to kill anyone who she perceives as getting in her way, including former friends. She can be ruthlessly intelligent, but only measures people based on how much of a threat they can be. (Mild spoiler interaction with another party member below.) Some have said she outright warns you about how dangerous Ember is if she’s present at the time Ember joins the party. And she is apparently the ONLY party member that elicits that kind of response from Wenduag upon potentially joining. The rest of the cast just see her as a little girl that doesn’t belong on the battlefield otherwise, questioning you about taking her into the party.
Wenduag is probably correct, Ember is probably the most dangerous Neutral Good character I’ve ever seen in a really unusual way from a writing standpoint.
Last edited by Saito Hikari; 01/07/21 02:35 PM.
Joined: Mar 2021
Was it not obvious from the start, I mean I already saw this when I was introduced to the ''totally not dorian pavus'', sassy vampire character of Astarion who seemed to be just created to bring over all of the Bioware/Inquisition fans desperate for another DAI type experience in Bioware's decline. And that worked as i've seen tons of articles from the bio fans making those comparisons, i've seen a lot of the artist making fanart for the character say things like ''I don't know what BG3 is but I love astarion'', ''I never played this game but I love vampire sass'' lmao. My fear is that, as someone else posted on the subreddit, they'll focus too much on catering to these ''new fans'' posting on their social medias, and forget to make the game they initially set out to make. First BG3 will outsell WoTR - probably by a significant margin. If we were allowed to bet on that I would. Nothing against WoTR - I WILL be playing it myself. I love the work of Owlcat games but they are catering to a more niche audience. Bg3 catering to a broader audience is not a detriment. There is too much of this player-ownership mentality that demands the exclusion of anything that doesn't specifically cater to ourselves. I would invite you to revisit those instincts as they don't bring you anything but frustration. Is Astarion written for me? Nope, I am more a Shadowheart type- but we can hang. A smart company will cast a wide net to create something for everyone. WoTC did that with 5e, and it has resulted in massive sales - with 5e outselling every other RPG game out there and bringing in a highly inclusive and diverse audience. The Livestream D&D groups out there are the model of diversity - and it really takes so little except saying "Hey, you have a place here too!" And this isn't about being "woke" or "SJW" whatever those terms mean. Its about wanting to hang around interesting groups of people that are not like me and realize we have common ground.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2020
I don’t feel the diversity argument really works with BG3’s cast as they are currently designed or written, but maybe the writing might surprise me later. The more cynical side of me is inclined to think the current party members are the way they are not actually because of any evil/neutral alignment testing, but because they are remarkably close in personality to the DOS2 companions, just with way more to say. But it does make sense, it’s a lot easier to do something you already have extensive experience in.
And like you, I’m more of a Shadowheart person, but maybe because she’s the only party member right now who doesn’t appear to worship her personal ego. There’s a reason why the clamoring for other characters to join the party like Alfira (non-edgy good aligned tiefling) and Halsin (buff male elf druid) are far louder than anything similar I’ve ever seen from any other game.
Last edited by Saito Hikari; 01/07/21 02:52 PM.
Joined: Feb 2020
PFH3 in one week... (Larian's Discord) Patch in ..?
Last edited by Maximuuus; 01/07/21 03:20 PM.
Joined: Mar 2021
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old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Maybe this can work out in a positive, only have them Shove and Throw...
Last edited by Raze; 14/03/22 12:32 PM. Reason: deleted forum account
Joined: Oct 2020
Why Paladin? I see everyone writing Paladin, but I can't understand why, is there some hint?
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Feb 2020
Considering Swen said that patch 5 will je foccused on features rather than new content, I don't really understand all those people talking about the paladin. Is there a reference I don't know / understand in "noble sacrifice" ? Why Paladin? I see everyone writing Paladin, but I can't understand why, is there some hint? Well, you asked just before 
Last edited by Maximuuus; 01/07/21 03:56 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
This is imo how to promote new features Owlcat stating; "nothing is more important to this game than faithfulness", just got to be a jab at Larian's claim they were porting D&D as faithfully as they could 
Joined: Oct 2020
Why Paladin? I see everyone writing Paladin, but I can't understand why, is there some hint? Well ... in last one, there was vines on those pilars. O_o So maybe its bcs that room reminds people some kind of Stronghold, or Temple? O_o Im more interested about those cogwheels ... it might be a hint ... i would guess we get Gnomes ... but to dream wild for a second ... woulnt it be AWESOME to get artificer?  I mean, i know that there is still quite a lot "basic classes" missing, but as far as i know, Swen never confrimmed that we will get all classes in EA (even tho it would be logical, if nothing else at least for test properly all Tadpole powers) ... so ... why not dream a little?  //edit: Fun fact ... i can allready imagine Blackheifer spaming this forum with "i told you" if all we get in matter of content, will actualy be only Gnomes. 
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 01/07/21 04:22 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: May 2021
Also, weren't the original BG games created by Bioware? So what's wrong with having Bioware/Dragon Age fans become Larian/BG3 fans, exactly?
There is no One True Pathway to this game... Some people arrive here with a DnD background, some have played Larian games before, some have played the original BG games, some just enjoy RPGs in general, such as Dragon Age series, etc, and some people are trying this sort of game for the first time ever. . Thank you so much for pointing this out. I have been scratching my head over this one too. As one who discovered Dragon Age via recommendations from pals who loved BG1…idk…I thought we were all on the same team. In fact, at the moment, my complaint with the characters are that they are not as well written or empathetic as the chars from DAO…a game that is old af now. Also, one can play the “character is just a reskinned x” with any character in any game ever. I consider the entire argument about Asterion being too much like Dorian incredibly cheap. Comparing Dorian and Asterion sounds to me like “well groomed, sassy, articulate? Must be a conspiracy!” As if creating characters based on a Byronic archetype is somehow novel or part of an agenda. Lmao. Watch some movies from the 80s…at least half of the bad guys were written like this.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Paladin makes some sense because they are the type that absolutely needs the mechanics to be fixed, proper reactions and such for smites and abilities. And I do see new classes as more mechanics than new content at this stage. Like how Druid showcased transformation mechanics (which matters for a lot of spells), helped highlight even more issues with concentration, and showcased small bits of positive homebrew and small bits of negative homebrew, as well as showcasing that spell mechanics need more work.
Joined: Sep 2017
Noble Sacrifice = Paladin to me. Finally a concrete date.
February to July
Joined: Oct 2020
Paladin makes some sense because they are the type that absolutely needs the mechanics to be fixed, proper reactions and such for smites and abilities. And there allready are "Paladin" npcs in game, that dont have proper abilities yet. O_o Or at least, i dont know about any Barbarian, Sorcerer, Monk, or FIGHTING (wich would exclude Alfira) Bard. o_O
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2020
July 8th? They better be really careful or there’s a very good chance it’s going to run against the freaking rumored Sony state of play.
Last edited by Saito Hikari; 01/07/21 05:42 PM.
Joined: Mar 2021
So who's excited about Gnomes?!
They are going to include Paladin I hear, but you can only be a gnome. Deal with it.
Joined: Oct 2020
But in the last interview, they said that they are working only on mechanics, so there will be no classes or somthing like that.
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty