I meant the questionable gameplay stuff in regards to how the kingdom management basically threw off the game’s pacing. WotR has management stuff but you don’t have to run all the way back to your base to run it this time around, and there don’t appear to be any sign of hard time limits leading to an immediate game over either.
As far as what you just said, you can still do pretty similar stuff here. There’s advisory meetings in chapter 3, and the suggestions and arguments your companions come up with at the table are pretty amazing for something that’s otherwise pretty minor. You even get the option of asking why some companions have apparently invited themselves to the table since some have really sketchy backgrounds (one is a literal thief showing up during supply logistics meetings), and others obviously have zero political experience (though the player character may not have any either).
Although admittedly none of the companions are as good as Nok-Nok was IMO (perfect example on how to write a goblin and justify his presence in your party pretty damn well at that), but he’s super hard to top. WotR companions as a complete package are still written much better than the Kingmaker cast.
(I also feel like Tsanna was originally going to be a party member, since she got way more focus than most of the other NPC advisors. The only thing Kingmaker was missing was a well meaning but morally questionable cultist, and I don’t count Nok Nok because he was actually sane in a super roundabout way.)