I don't think Niara is making a bad argument in general, if applied to other moments during the EA, but I think the fishermen/mind flayer encounter is a very bad example to hold on to as casus belli, because it's way more forgiving of what she's giving it credit to be.
In fact, all the way through the scene there's one single path leading to your death as the single worst possible outcome but you are constantly offered options, both in dialogue and as practical actions, to avoid any danger and come off unharmed. Without even needing to rely on rolls.

The githyanki patrol would be a better example of Larian being a "mean, unfair DM".

Last edited by Tuco; 05/07/21 01:38 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN