Originally Posted by Dez
Oh, I was about to throw a fit about Scratch...

But you fixed it. :] No harm done!

lol. That was the way the dice played it out. I said to myself, "Nope. He's a member of the party. In this story, I'm the DM."

My friends and I have a saying from our gaming sessions way back in a day. We used to play Star Wars RPG all the time, and during one of our sessions my friends were determined to not go in the direction I wanted them to... so I had this space anomaly slam into their ship and force them to crash to the planet I wanted them to go to. They were like, "What the heck! Wait. Were you going to make us go to the planet regardless?" I admitted I was. The story I had made for them required it. I had nothing prepared if they didn't go there.

Then one of my friends laughed and said, "If I gotta crash your starship into the planet to get you to go there, then that's what I'm a-gonna do!"

And that became a running gag forevermore. Any time something similar would happen, they would ask, "Is this one of those situations where you're going to crash our starship into the planet no matter what?"

The same was true with this scenario and Scratch. I didn't care how the dice rolled. One way or another, Scratch would be okay... even if I had to crash a starship into the planet to somehow make that happen. smile