Joined: Mar 2021
The new rest system look nice, finally I will make something of all food items in my inventory.
Can't wait to know if the hooded camp visitor will be the new class or not !
Joined: Jan 2021
It seems to be a limit on if you can long rest. Short rests of some kind seem to be infinite.
So multi-classing is happening eventually, and reactions are getting "extended" but not in this patch.
Not sure what extending means (in this context), but it's better than hearing nothing about it.
Last edited by DragonSnooz; 08/07/21 06:56 PM.
Joined: Mar 2021
Ok, so...
Until now If I have understood well :
- New UI for active rolls (dialogs, disarm and so on). Possibility to cast spells. - Inspiration point if you play according the chosen background - Possibility to disarm ennemies, so they'll take weapons they find, throw them and so on... - Eating during long rest. Full supply = full spellslots and HP, not full supply = not all supply and spellslot. - Camp will match the location. If you sleep in the underdark, you're not gonna TP to your camp. If you camp in a crypt, you're gonna camp in the crypt. for shortrest only ? not sure
It's going to take a while. They are separating Jump and Disengage! DISENGAGE IS A FULL ACTION!!! Finally!
Last edited by Blackheifer; 08/07/21 07:17 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
New rest system!
Obviously will need to play it to see how it works, but I'm glad they are trying out new implementations to address feedback.
Changing camp settings is also great. Is that only for shortrest ? Not sure I understood well. Long rest at camp with food supply + short rest everywhere with a background depending your location ? No mention of Short Rest being changed. For Long Rest - yes, visually it'll reflect where you are now (i.e. if you're in underdark, camp looks like underdark). Not sure how many permutations that is though - i.e. if I rest in the Goblin camp, do I get a goblin camp rest location? Or do I get a generic surface world camp? Food (well he said "supply") is now required to do a long rest. If you don't have enough food, you don't recover 100% of your spells (and HP? I think I heard that).
Joined: Jan 2021
They are separating Jump and Disengage! Finally! It's going to make a new playthrough worthwhile after the patch drops.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2020
It's possible they may have gotten rid of food healing entirely if they're going to be used for rations now. You have potions for mid-combat healing anyway.
Joined: Oct 2020
I only wonder if the fact that Swen sometimes (twice now) do whatever he wants, no matter what people vote for ... is that promissed part of the show, that is suppose to show us how they approach our feedback. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Feb 2020
Looks like everyone can still read every scrolls. I have hope when the fighter said "I cannot read that, I'm a fighter". Ok, so...
Until now If I have understood well :
- New UI for active rolls (dialogs, disarm and so on). Possibility to cast spells. - Inspiration point if you play according the chosen background - Possibility to disarm ennemies, so they'll take weapons they find, throw them and so on... - Eating during long rest. Full supply = full spellslots and HP, not full supply = not all supply and spellslot. - Camp will match the location. If you sleep in the underdark, you're not gonna TP to your camp. If you camp in a crypt, you're gonna camp in the crypt. for shortrest only ? not sure
It's going to take a while. They are separating Jump and Disengage! Finally! Well, it doesn't mean that diusengage is not a bonus action anymore... which is the main mechanical problem.
Joined: Feb 2020
Disengaged has been confirmed as an action. yeah that's SO COOL.
Joined: Oct 2020
I was editing my post, but decided to delete it because I thought you probably found out already
Joined: Apr 2021
PATCH 5 is coming July 13th!!!
That means we still have to wait A LITTLE LONGER but it's gonna be worth it!!!
Last edited by Alexandrite; 08/07/21 07:55 PM.
Joined: Mar 2021
No new class  ... I know that adding this kind of features need time but if they need 6 month of development for each class (without talking about adding race or new party member), I begin to doubt that all promised things can be released in 2022, or even 2023...
Joined: Oct 2020
No new class  ... I know that adding this kind of features need time but if they need 6 month of development for each class (without talking about adding race or new party member), I begin to doubt that all promised things can be released in 2022, or even 2023... No one said that EA will have all classes or all races. In fact, they can develop and add them to another client, but not add them to EA. In general, this is not a bad patch, but they again show that Shadow is important for the plot, and I don't like to take a second cleric to the party... And the show was wonderful, it was fun!
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Oct 2020
No one said that EA will have all classes or all races. Actualy ... in that "loading" or "QA" parts, someone asked about Races, and Swen told us they are not planning to add much into EA, bcs they simply want to keep things for full release ... Maybe that apply for some classes too? O_o Even tho i would say this would not be best choice (imho) ... since classes certainly need help, and at least some specific races (Half-Orc, Dragonborn) should have ben seen while there still is time to change them at least a little ... On the other hand, they didnt change anything about elves either. :-/
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
No one said that EA will have all classes or all races. Actualy ... in that "loading" or "QA" parts, someone asked about Races, and Swen told us they are not planning to add much into EA, bcs they simply want to keep things for full release ... Maybe that apply for some classes too? O_o Even tho i would say this would not be best choice (imho) ... since classes certainly need help, and at least some specific races (Half-Orc, Dragonborn) should have ben seen while there still is time to change them at least a little ... On the other hand, they didnt change anything about elves either. :-/ why they must change elves? =0
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Sep 2020
The things they are changing/adding, generally relate to ALL classes - they clearly are working on overall game feature - U/I, jump/ disengage/item creation mechanics/reaction mechanics/camping mechanics and so all that would be applicable to all races/classes at this point. Once they have that in a form closer to final, they can apply any specific class/race features and mechanics to the baseline ones. For now, they have basic fighter/caster/healer/rogue classes to use in formulating those base mechanics.
It's a logical approach, although some might prefer other priorities. Paladin/Barbarian will stem off basic fighter mechanics, bard off of rogue, sorcerer to at least some extent off wizard/warlock. Might have made sense to handle druid earlier as they did since it introduces shape change abilities which would also require certain baseline mechanics.
I still expect that despite the changes they announced, and the upcoming changes they indicated will be happening, folks will still insist they don't listen to what anyone says.
And I still stand by my view that they are smart to reveal things only when they feel good and ready, and not according to some arbitrary time table posters insist upon - and that Sven needs to take some acting classes !
Joined: Apr 2021
Leave the elves alone! This patch sounds great - AND they said there will be a content heavy patch coming next, after this one. There will also be new content in the form of new cinematics and stuff for us to discover. Can't wait until Tuesday - aaaahhhh! IMHO it's fine to leave some surprises until full release day. I wish they had told us anything about the ability to play the Origin characters. (Or did I miss it when I went to make coffee?)
Joined: Oct 2020
see you all in patch 6 that was not really exciting overall. Eating just = more time pickpocketing repeatedly to loot the npcs. Inspiration points for backgrounds = meh. Generally most of the time your just picking them for specific skill checks as there are not enough options even in core dnd really with those.
Option to save shadow heart interesting, Dog cleaned up is nice. And the cinimatic adjustments same thing for the camp but its just visual perks really. The changes just don't feel like its worth a replay personally I will just wait another patch at based on what I saw maybe the patch notes will have something but currently i'm not excited enough to play again so its going to be another 5-6 months probably before something comes with enough reason to play through EA again. 12 patchs of bug fixes 2 weeks apart then a month and a half of silence then a new patch.
Nothing dramatic was added they didn't fix dwing and swapping weapons they didn't fix wizards casting cleric spells. No level cap increase. No new companions. No New Classes. No New Races. No fix for advantage on pack stab. No rolling ability scores. Basically nothing that has been a hot topic since release. Not Impressed at all to be honest that's my opionion.
The mechanic doesn't really super change long resting and short resting that much it just makes it significantly more annoying. As well as far more annoying for gold. Where previously you could sell that for quick change now your going to need to pick pocket twice as much to cover expenseses. So instead of an hour of pick pocketing back and forth in the druid village now im going to have to spend 2-3 hours and keep a lot of garbage in storage for long rests. Which will impact carrying capacity ect. Especially since you don't have a pack mule to carry things. Means more going back and forth to the druid grove more time emptying your inventory and less weight you can carry just makes the game longer with stuff you dont really want to be doing especially when you cant roll your ability scores to make sure you have significant carrying capacity on multiple characters. Its just a bigger pain in the butt IMO. Something that is far less impactful in actual dnd where you dont have to make 10 trips back and forth to town to empty your inventory. Having to keep a fixed amount of food on you just feels more annoying than actually fun when you don't have a mount you can store stupid things like that on to remove the need to pay as much attention to it impacting your carrying capacity.
Now you kill a wave of goblins spend an hour going back and forth to the druid grove selling items before picking up all the food again to move on and if you need a long rest now you get to pick pocket for an extra hour as well if you need food so yeah. Not really excited at all about that feature its just annoying.
Using companions to cast spells in conversation which could be a good thing also means that your going to need more rests to fill your spell slots back up as well which will exastravate that even more. Personally I feel most of the changes in the patch are just going to lead to a lot of time wasted doing tasks you really don't want to do repeatedly. While the hope was for something to be hyped about during the panel honestly I do not think this patch really addressed any major concerns at least for most people. When I am asked by friends about if its worth coming back to stream it my answer is going to be exactly check back in 6 months. Maybe then there will be something worth spending your time on it.
Joined: Oct 2020
Shadowheart being able to be saved is the highlight of the entire thing 1 significant change to story play. 6 months for that is dissappointing.
Joined: Feb 2021
mostly a meh grade for the patch from me.