Hi Jess/Larian,

I don't know how extensively I'll be able to play with Patch 5, but the QoL improvements (hotkey for jump, stop concentrating, as well as Active Roll UI for Ability Checks) sound great already.

I do have a pair of questions though.

How does Larian process feedback ?

The Panel From Hell 3 did not really talk about that. I was hoping this would come with Community Update 13, given that the Hotfix 11 notes say "We will be back soon with a larger community update, that goes into some detail about how we process & parse feedback and data we get through talking with you, and the telemetry we have in the game".

The changes implemented certainly echo the feedback communicated by the players, but I feel we still haven't been told much about how feedback is processed (and how we should preferentially give feedback).

Early Access philosophy : what goes in and what doesn't, what is the EA for ?

I'm still a bit confused about what you choose to roll into the EA build and why.

In this Patch 5, we have new systems that you want to test (and that you explicitly flagged as "feedback sought here" in the PFH3). We also have a couple of great QoL improvement. These are always good. And fewer complaints about the generally-poor UI means more airspace for the feedback on mechanisms and systems.

But then ... we also have some pure gameplay content. I'm sure you have heaps of that in stock and continually develop some more. There's also a bit of bug-fixing (e.g. Liam).

I just hope you're not wasting too much time adding code to the EA build that requires extra work (compared to a straight copy-paste), due to the EA build being potentially quite outdated compared to your internal working builds.

Finally, I second the request for a way to pause the gifs. It really makes the reading more difficult.

Last edited by Drath Malorn; 08/07/21 10:36 PM.