Thank you Niara for all your hard work. I really feel sorry for you, subjecting oneself to this life-threatening amount of goofiness shouldn't have been easy.
Gamespot posted the video on YT:
Couldn't watch the entirety of it, too much cringe for me. And unfortunately, it appears that I was right when I said that Larian doesn't target us, they were aiming at people that, as of now, are largely unaware of the game. Looking at the video's top comments, their gamble did pay off. The likes breakdown confirms that: 2.3K up vs. just 82 down.
And Swen, he is clearly enjoying himself. Does he have a God complex? It certainly looks that way for me. "Everything goes the way I say so!" - this kind of attitude is a huge risk for the entire project, as petty tyrants tend to be not particularly bright.