Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Just to be sure, i dont disagree that we should get some kind of settings for limitation of long rests ...
I just disagree that it should be set automaticky by choosing dificiulty ... i believe it should be two separate settings.

Lets say that i want challenging fights ...
But i hate this specific kind of resource management, bcs it kinda forces me to have HUGE amount of food all the time and i find it ridiculous ...
Then, lets say that i am one of those strong willed people who can manage to restrict himself to not resting every five minutes of gameplay ...
And finaly, lets say that its for f**k sake my busines how i handle my own gameplay! laugh (no hard feelings, just joking ... but still kinda making a point)

In that case settings of Medium, or even Hardcore would suit me ...
Yet if i simply dont want to deal with this s*it ... all i need to do, is set "amount of resources needed for Long Rest" to "0" ... and VOILA! I have EXACTLY the experience i want. :3

You know that is the beauty, of untied settings ... you can gat what you want ... and i also can get what i want ... in fact everyone can set it just the way they want. wink

I'm not advocating for any restrictions to resting.
The current pre-patch system allows every player to rest as often as they deem necessary.
A minority of players, with the current system, only rested when they were out of resources and in places where it made sense to rest.

The majority of folks instead chose easy mode and rested after every combat and then complained that combat was too easy.

By tying any resting restrictions to difficulty you are making players aware that resting after each combat is easy mode and if they are looking for challenge they will need to rest less often.