Well first of all. I have already bought Baldur's Gate 3 and support this game. I have played Early Access.

I have not played Solasta so can not honestly speak from own experience.

They do not directly are competing since release date is so far away from each other. Solasta release date was May 27th 2021.
Baldur's Gate 3 release date is year 2022 or year 2023.

Well so you could buy both games and I do not criticize anyone doing that.

Baldur's Gate 3:
+ Cinematic effects and story!
+ Best graphics of these games.
+ Romance and perhaps even nudity.
+ Character creation is very visual...
+ Baldur's Gate 3 is an upcoming turn based RPG game that takes places in Forgotten Realms DnD setting in terms of lore this is a DnD nerds wet dream!
+ This is the only game of these that has officially multiplayer without any mods (cooperative play up to maximum 4 players can also be played solo).
+ Created by Larian Studios creators of huge success game Divinity Original Sin 2.
Neutral . Less strict to pen and paper rules then Solasta much less... but more or less based on DnD 5th edition rules.
+Super much versatility you can easily sink of hours into Early Access despite not all classes yet released.
+ If you want fully voice acted and cinematic experience and make your choices this is the game to play.
+ Excellent music and very good sound world (I cant comment on music and sound on Solasta have not played that.)
- This is the game that is most further away in development release date 2022 or 2023.
- There are so many changes coming but some balancing could be made now in patch 5 they make so in order to rest you need food so they are restricting resting. Well and Patch 5 release date is on Tuesday next week so now I do not know how that is going to be really with patch 5.
- The companions are sometimes well a bit annoying they are also making changes to companion behavior to less hostile and annoying again in patch 5 release.
- The camera control could be improved as it is now it is kind of ok but not very good.
I like BG3 very much rate it 9/10.

Solasta my impressions without playing it:
+ Very close to real DnD 5th edition rules.
+ Ok gameplay.
+ Community mods can improve it.
+ Full release on May 27th 2021.
+ Community made modules, adventures possible to make.
Neutral: Can not comment on music and sound, but doubt it is as good music as in BG3.
- Bugs at release.
- Old looking graphics.
- The world is not based on so powerful rich lore as Forgotten Realms that have countless of books and Wizards of The Coast material.
- Well there handsome and beautiful characters in Baldurs Gate 3. I feel the opposite is in Solasta they look like actors from Game of Thrones with many ugly with no charisma at all. Yes I did see Game of Thrones rate it 8/10 but I am not super fan of that series and specially the actors did not impress me.
- While they say they have more bug fixes for release I find it released to soon.
- Less classes then Baldur's Gate 3. Baldur's Gate 3 is going to have all classes from Players Handbook.
- They have cut away much from promised features... it suspect it is partly due to low budget and they need salary fast.
My verdict: 8/10.
Here is a professional review:
Solasta review

My thought is not to piss of some Solasta fan. If you like Solasta by all means enjoy it. My plan? Well IF I buy Solasta then I wait it goes down in price. I already bought BG3 despite it costs 60 euro, but I find it more high quality big budget game then Solasta.

Last edited by Terminator2020; 13/07/21 01:11 PM.