I have both games and I´m a backer of both games. I like them both, for different reasons, because they´re different games. Now I finished the final (well not final because we do not have the sorcerer subclass until tuesday and they´re still patching things) version of the Solasta game. The main campaign is not that long, it takes 10-30 h or so; but Solasta is mostly a frame to make D&D5e adventures so we could expect more, official and fan-made both.

There are fan-made auto-conclussive modules to play already, I encourage you to try some and give feedback.

The fact that the Solasta game has some skills or features that are not used in the main campaign (Like animal handling, investigation, etc) but they bother to add them means they want to make a mainframe to create more campaigns in their custom setting.
That´s another difference, BG3 world is the D&D official Sword coast, in Faerun; Solasta takes place in a custom world with custom lore, races and subclasses.

If you want a comparison, BG3 is a story-based game like bg2; Solasta is a party-based dungeon crawler like the IWD games or the Storm of Zehir expansion of NWN2. You make the entire party, there are no companions and the story and dialogues are well made, but they are pretty linear. The point is the exploration and dungeon-delving, with an story to give you a reason to go from Map A to Map B and start dungeonering.

I do not think you can compare both. IMHO if you are seeking a faithful simulator of D&D5e and a fun dungeon-crawler, you will like Solasta; If you want a story-based game with more dialogues, roleplay choices, and companions to travel and talk to and multiplayer, not as focused on a faithful D&D5e simulation, you may prefer bg3.
They´re based on the same PnP game, but they have different philosophies.

If you want to compare graphics, audio and video, etc, you only have to compare the budget and the size o the studios ( Tactical adventures is an indie french studio of 30 people or so) to have an idea of what to expect. I mean, if you are judging any indie game ever made based on the technical specs you´re barking to the wrong tree.

Last edited by _Vic_; 11/07/21 05:56 PM.