Originally Posted by GM4Him
Originally Posted by Nyloth
Let me say these are different games that will bring you a completely different experience. This is one of the reasons why I don't understand why people compare them here. It's the same with Pathfinder, which is a very difficult game. I will not play Solasta, I have never been interested in the gameplay in such games, I play similar isometric RPGs for story, so I will play Pathfinder, although I do not like its complex gameplay. BG3 is my favorite, because it combines a story and a simplified (convenient for me) gameplay.

As a result, each game will give you a different experience.

I'm confused. Why not try Solasta? It has story, character banter, you create 4 characters, all your own. You live through the story, it's a fun game.

I mean, I still think BG3 is better by far, as I've never replayed a game so much, but Solasta is really fun too. I like Solasta more than Pathfinder so far. Don't get me wrong, I like both, but I'd put BG3, Solasta, Pathfinder in that order, though Pathfinder is a very close contender with Solasta.

I love written characters and their unique stories, not my own. It seemed to me these are the weakest parts of Solasta, characters and the plot. I think I could try it if I could play with friends, but unfortunately the game does not have a co-op. There are a lot interesting companions in Pathfinder, that's why I rate it higher. I have a lot OC, and I love them! But, this is not the same, because the companions quests are part of the story, which sometimes affects the plot.

I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty