Joined: Dec 2020
Well first of all. I have already bought Baldur's Gate 3 and support this game. I have played Early Access.I have not played Solasta so can not honestly speak from own experience. They do not directly are competing since release date is so far away from each other. Solasta release date was May 27th 2021. Baldur's Gate 3 release date is year 2022 or year 2023. Well so you could buy both games and I do not criticize anyone doing that. Baldur's Gate 3:+ Cinematic effects and story! + Best graphics of these games. + Romance and perhaps even nudity. + Character creation is very visual... + Baldur's Gate 3 is an upcoming turn based RPG game that takes places in Forgotten Realms DnD setting in terms of lore this is a DnD nerds wet dream! + This is the only game of these that has officially multiplayer without any mods (cooperative play up to maximum 4 players can also be played solo). + Created by Larian Studios creators of huge success game Divinity Original Sin 2. Neutral . Less strict to pen and paper rules then Solasta much less... but more or less based on DnD 5th edition rules. +Super much versatility you can easily sink of hours into Early Access despite not all classes yet released. + If you want fully voice acted and cinematic experience and make your choices this is the game to play. + Excellent music and very good sound world (I cant comment on music and sound on Solasta have not played that.) - This is the game that is most further away in development release date 2022 or 2023. - There are so many changes coming but some balancing could be made now in patch 5 they make so in order to rest you need food so they are restricting resting. Well and Patch 5 release date is on Tuesday next week so now I do not know how that is going to be really with patch 5. - The companions are sometimes well a bit annoying they are also making changes to companion behavior to less hostile and annoying again in patch 5 release. - The camera control could be improved as it is now it is kind of ok but not very good. I like BG3 very much rate it 9/10.Solasta my impressions without playing it:+ Very close to real DnD 5th edition rules. + Ok gameplay. + Community mods can improve it. + Full release on May 27th 2021. + Community made modules, adventures possible to make. Neutral: Can not comment on music and sound, but doubt it is as good music as in BG3. - Bugs at release. - Old looking graphics. - The world is not based on so powerful rich lore as Forgotten Realms that have countless of books and Wizards of The Coast material. - Well there handsome and beautiful characters in Baldurs Gate 3. I feel the opposite is in Solasta they look like actors from Game of Thrones with many ugly with no charisma at all. Yes I did see Game of Thrones rate it 8/10 but I am not super fan of that series and specially the actors did not impress me. - While they say they have more bug fixes for release I find it released to soon. - Less classes then Baldur's Gate 3. Baldur's Gate 3 is going to have all classes from Players Handbook. - They have cut away much from promised features... it suspect it is partly due to low budget and they need salary fast. My verdict: 8/10.Here is a professional review: Solasta reviewMy thought is not to piss of some Solasta fan. If you like Solasta by all means enjoy it. My plan? Well IF I buy Solasta then I wait it goes down in price. I already bought BG3 despite it costs 60 euro, but I find it more high quality big budget game then Solasta.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 13/07/21 01:11 PM.
Joined: Feb 2020
They didn't cut any feature, they changed some after players gave their feedbacks.
The game was released on may the 27th. A free DLC is coming July the 13th. It will include a new class, improvement for the game and improvement for the dungeon maker.
It's a very strange "comparison".
Last edited by Maximuuus; 11/07/21 05:29 PM.
Joined: Dec 2020
They didn't cut any feature, they changed some after players gave their feedbacks.
The game was released on may the 27th. A free DLC is coming July the 13th. It will include a new class, improvement for the game and improvement for the dungeon maker.
It's a very strange "comparison". I stand corrected on release date. Really why then are there people complaining at Solasta forums and even a thread named: SOLASTA IS A FUN GAME THAT SUFFERS FROM BEING LAUNCHED TOO EARLY. Sourcelink is it not my post, but by a SOLASTA player: SOLASTA IS A FUN GAME THAT SUFFERS FROM BEING LAUNCHED TOO EARLYQuote from SOLASTA forums: "What I find more jarring than the bugs is the way the campaign is wrapped up. It seems obvious to me that TA's original storyboard included a number of additional areas and quests. As TA self-financed - in addition to a Kickstarter campaign - and self-published Solasta I am neither surprised nor upset about cut content and reduced scope. What bothers me is how perfunctory and at times even sloppy the narrative shortcuts are. I am willing to add specific arguments below to support my view but wanted my initial post to be spoiler free. Undoubtedly, TA would have received far more criticism if the game ended on a cliffhanger without any sort of closure to the adventure. Yet, as things stand, the final portion of the game feels haphazard and incomplete. "
Last edited by Terminator2020; 11/07/21 05:42 PM.
Joined: Dec 2020
I"m not sure what the point of this thread is exactly. You say it's just a comparison but then you're taking very specific complaint quotes from a solasta forum and posting them here as if that's evidence for BG3 being better or...something? And then you give arbitrary scores based on just your general impression of one game vs your extensive playtime with another? I can't see how this discussion is going to turn into a productive discussion about BG3.
Last edited by Boblawblah; 11/07/21 05:51 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
I have both games and I´m a backer of both games. I like them both, for different reasons, because they´re different games. Now I finished the final (well not final because we do not have the sorcerer subclass until tuesday and they´re still patching things) version of the Solasta game. The main campaign is not that long, it takes 10-30 h or so; but Solasta is mostly a frame to make D&D5e adventures so we could expect more, official and fan-made both.
There are fan-made auto-conclussive modules to play already, I encourage you to try some and give feedback.
The fact that the Solasta game has some skills or features that are not used in the main campaign (Like animal handling, investigation, etc) but they bother to add them means they want to make a mainframe to create more campaigns in their custom setting. That´s another difference, BG3 world is the D&D official Sword coast, in Faerun; Solasta takes place in a custom world with custom lore, races and subclasses.
If you want a comparison, BG3 is a story-based game like bg2; Solasta is a party-based dungeon crawler like the IWD games or the Storm of Zehir expansion of NWN2. You make the entire party, there are no companions and the story and dialogues are well made, but they are pretty linear. The point is the exploration and dungeon-delving, with an story to give you a reason to go from Map A to Map B and start dungeonering.
I do not think you can compare both. IMHO if you are seeking a faithful simulator of D&D5e and a fun dungeon-crawler, you will like Solasta; If you want a story-based game with more dialogues, roleplay choices, and companions to travel and talk to and multiplayer, not as focused on a faithful D&D5e simulation, you may prefer bg3. They´re based on the same PnP game, but they have different philosophies.
If you want to compare graphics, audio and video, etc, you only have to compare the budget and the size o the studios ( Tactical adventures is an indie french studio of 30 people or so) to have an idea of what to expect. I mean, if you are judging any indie game ever made based on the technical specs you´re barking to the wrong tree.
Last edited by _Vic_; 11/07/21 05:56 PM.
Joined: Dec 2020
I have both games and I´m a backer of both games. Now I finished the final (well not final because we do not have the sorcerer subclass until tuesday and they´re still patching things) version of the Solasta game. The main campaign is not that long, it takes 10-30 h or so; but Solasta is mostly a frame to make D&D5e adventures so we could expect more, official and fan-made both.
There are fan-made auto-conclussive modules to play already, I encourage you to try some and give feedback.
The fact that the Solasta game has some skills or features that are not used in the main campaign (Like animal handling, investigation, etc) but they bother to add them means they want to make a mainframe to create more campaigns in their custom setting. That´s another difference, BG3 world is the D&D official Sword coast, in Faerun; Solasta takes place in a custom world with custom lore, races and subclasses.
If you want a comparison, BG3 is a story-based game like bg2; Solasta is a party-based dungeon crawler like the IWD games or the Storm of Zehir expansion of NWN2. You make the entire party, there are no companions and the story and dialogues are well made, but they are pretty linear. The point is the exploration and dungeon-delving, with an story to give you a reason to go from Map A to Map B and start dungeonering.
I do not think you can compare both. IMHO if you are seeking a faithful simulator of D&D5e and a fun dungeon-crawler, you will like Solasta; If you want a story-based game with more dialogues, roleplay choices, and companions to travel and talk to and multiplayer, not as focused on a faithful D&D5e simulation, you may prefer bg3. They´re based on the same PnP game, but they have different philosophies.
If you want to compare graphics, audio and video, etc, you only have to compare the budget and the size o the studios ( Tactical adventures is an indie french studio of 30 people or so) to have an idea of what to expect. I mean, if you are judging any indie game ever made base on the technical specs you´re barking to the wrong tree. Well thank you for the input. Ok I am beginning to understand. Well so you can make community made adventures like in Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2. Ok then I raise Solasta verdict to 8/10.
Joined: Dec 2020
Naah you do not get it. I wanted input like you give. I am trying to decide if I buy Solasta. I have already bought BG3. Already that you can created modules like aka adventures like in Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 is a great benefit. What can I say I am a sucker for graphics and movie like effects and music as in BG3. If you like Solasta more that is perfectly fine. Likely I will buy Solasta when it goes little bit down in price.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 11/07/21 05:59 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
I have both games and I´m a backer of both games. Now I finished the final (well not final because we do not have the sorcerer subclass until tuesday and they´re still patching things) version of the Solasta game. The main campaign is not that long, it takes 10-30 h or so; but Solasta is mostly a frame to make D&D5e adventures so we could expect more, official and fan-made both.
There are fan-made auto-conclussive modules to play already, I encourage you to try some and give feedback.
The fact that the Solasta game has some skills or features that are not used in the main campaign (Like animal handling, investigation, etc) but they bother to add them means they want to make a mainframe to create more campaigns in their custom setting. That´s another difference, BG3 world is the D&D official Sword coast, in Faerun; Solasta takes place in a custom world with custom lore, races and subclasses.
If you want a comparison, BG3 is a story-based game like bg2; Solasta is a party-based dungeon crawler like the IWD games or the Storm of Zehir expansion of NWN2. You make the entire party, there are no companions and the story and dialogues are well made, but they are pretty linear. The point is the exploration and dungeon-delving, with an story to give you a reason to go from Map A to Map B and start dungeonering.
I do not think you can compare both. IMHO if you are seeking a faithful simulator of D&D5e and a fun dungeon-crawler, you will like Solasta; If you want a story-based game with more dialogues, roleplay choices, and companions to travel and talk to and multiplayer, not as focused on a faithful D&D5e simulation, you may prefer bg3. They´re based on the same PnP game, but they have different philosophies.
If you want to compare graphics, audio and video, etc, you only have to compare the budget and the size o the studios ( Tactical adventures is an indie french studio of 30 people or so) to have an idea of what to expect. I mean, if you are judging any indie game ever made base on the technical specs you´re barking to the wrong tree. Well thank you for the input. Ok I am beginning to understand. Well so you can make community made adventures like in Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2. Ok then I raise Solasta verdict to 8/10. Well if that´s clear maybe we could wrap it up this discussion, since (and please take no offense) it seems to be a threat to trash another game from another company based on second-hand opinions, since, as the OP said, he does not own nor played the game. I do not really see the point.
Joined: Dec 2020
I have both games and I´m a backer of both games. Now I finished the final (well not final because we do not have the sorcerer subclass until tuesday and they´re still patching things) version of the Solasta game. The main campaign is not that long, it takes 10-30 h or so; but Solasta is mostly a frame to make D&D5e adventures so we could expect more, official and fan-made both.
There are fan-made auto-conclussive modules to play already, I encourage you to try some and give feedback.
The fact that the Solasta game has some skills or features that are not used in the main campaign (Like animal handling, investigation, etc) but they bother to add them means they want to make a mainframe to create more campaigns in their custom setting. That´s another difference, BG3 world is the D&D official Sword coast, in Faerun; Solasta takes place in a custom world with custom lore, races and subclasses.
If you want a comparison, BG3 is a story-based game like bg2; Solasta is a party-based dungeon crawler like the IWD games or the Storm of Zehir expansion of NWN2. You make the entire party, there are no companions and the story and dialogues are well made, but they are pretty linear. The point is the exploration and dungeon-delving, with an story to give you a reason to go from Map A to Map B and start dungeonering.
I do not think you can compare both. IMHO if you are seeking a faithful simulator of D&D5e and a fun dungeon-crawler, you will like Solasta; If you want a story-based game with more dialogues, roleplay choices, and companions to travel and talk to and multiplayer, not as focused on a faithful D&D5e simulation, you may prefer bg3. They´re based on the same PnP game, but they have different philosophies.
If you want to compare graphics, audio and video, etc, you only have to compare the budget and the size o the studios ( Tactical adventures is an indie french studio of 30 people or so) to have an idea of what to expect. I mean, if you are judging any indie game ever made base on the technical specs you´re barking to the wrong tree. Well thank you for the input. Ok I am beginning to understand. Well so you can make community made adventures like in Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2. Ok then I raise Solasta verdict to 8/10. Well if that´s clear maybe we could wrap it up this discussion, since (and please take no offense) it seems to be a threat to trash another game from another company based on second-hand opinions, since, as the OP said, he does not own nor played the game. I do not really see the point. Well I found professional reviews none of them higher then my 8/10 in fact that was 8/10 was a verdict of professional review. Oh and if compare how many races and classes are inlcuded Baldurs Gate 3 has more to offer. Well so they release now then Sorcerer soon? Where is the Druid and some other classes?
Last edited by Terminator2020; 11/07/21 06:14 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Oh, I have nothing to say about the review, I just find strange to give a note about a game you never played.
Joined: Dec 2020
Oh, I have nothing to say about the review, I just find strange to give a note about a game you never played. You do realize we have forum members that talk about BG3 in the forums despite never played this game? I do not want to mention who has not played BG3. I have played BG3 Early Access.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 11/07/21 06:17 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Oh, I have nothing to say about the review, I just find strange to give a note about a game you never played. You do realize we have forum members that talk about BG3 in the forums despite never played this game? I do not want to mention who has not played BG3. I have played BG3 Early Access. And that makes you able to give an informed opinion about BG3. About Solasta? Maybe about the graphics based on photos, but about gameplay? the lore? the characters? the "cut content" things you´ve never bother to post so we have to take you at your word?... Look, I like both games, and honestly, I do not really care if you buy the game or not, you like it or not, I just find it puzzling that you were giving a negative review about a game talking about things you cannot experience without playing it. And please, do not bother to search the web now to find the negative points the Solasta game has, because the game is an indie game of a small studio with all the limitations that comes with it. You could easily find them now, but the point is that you created a thread to seemingly give a negative impression about a videogame without having many info about it; disguised as a "comparison" thread. As previously said, if your intention was to seek advice about buying or not the game, there are many more ways to make it clear. It does not seem the case, judging your first post.
Last edited by _Vic_; 11/07/21 06:49 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
You do realize we have forum members that talk about BG3 in the forums despite never played this game? I do not want to mention who has not played BG3. I have played BG3 Early Access. <Redacted> Yup.
Last edited by Raze; 14/03/22 10:24 AM. Reason: deleted forum account
Joined: Jun 2012
Solasta's dungeon maker is very barebones at the moment. If NWN's toolset effectively allowed to make full-fledged modules using the engine provided, and there were quite a few campaigns made with far more depth to them than the official ones, Solasta's is just about putting together locations using a selection of preset rooms, dropping triggers for some marginal interactivity (like a lore popup or buttons opening doors), and positioning enemies. They are adding some new stuff in the Sorcerer update releasing alongside BG3's patch 5, but it appears to be just extra tilesets. There's no scripting (yet?), no dialogue writing (yet), no assigning of custom checks to things (so the "roleplaying-only" skills are still useless).
The main campaign is... a mixed bag, to be honest. There's a good implementation of the D&D5e combat system (which isn't particularly deep, though, compared to 3.5e) in play which is wasted on a combination of either ridiculously easy, snoozefest-y fights (most of them against the game's primary antagonist force) or legendary enemies which are overtuned to the point of being frustrating and unfair rather than interestingly challenging. There's practically no exploration beyond getting to a chest or two that require far jumping/flying/climbing, the worldmap may as well have not been there at all, the scripting is very rigid and awkward, the plot is railroaded and uninspired, and most side quests involve backtracking through already cleared locations to fight some newly spawned enemies and pick a quest item. It's just decent enough to keep going if the combat keeps the player engaged, because unlike, say, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, it's roughly 30-40 hours of mostly fighting instead of 100+ hours that turn into an absolute slog about 3/4 through.
If they expand on the dungeon maker enough for it to be actually powerful instead of a cute gimmick that gets abandoned like the one from Sword Coast Legends, Solasta will be as good as the community that either keeps it afloat or stops bothering. Time will tell, I suppose.
Joined: Dec 2020
I find it very strange too, to rate agame, you haven't played. If you are unsure, if Solasta is for you, watch some Let's plays, there a lot of them around I guess. That should give you an impression.
I have decided to buy Solasta, I do like storydriven games more, but the fact, that there will be communty made modules sold me. Plus another D&D game. You can't have too much of those.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Oct 2020
That reminds me, I should write a review of "Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance". I haven't played it, but I did watch a review and read a forum post or two, so I think this qualifies me to ramble on about it for several paragraphs.
Joined: Oct 2020
Let me say these are different games that will bring you a completely different experience. This is one of the reasons why I don't understand why people compare them here. It's the same with Pathfinder, which is a very difficult game. I will not play Solasta, I have never been interested in the gameplay in such games, I play similar isometric RPGs for story, so I will play Pathfinder, although I do not like its complex gameplay. BG3 is my favorite, because it combines a story and a simplified (convenient for me) gameplay.
As a result, each game will give you a different experience.
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Feb 2021
Let me say these are different games that will bring you a completely different experience. This is one of the reasons why I don't understand why people compare them here. It's the same with Pathfinder, which is a very difficult game. I will not play Solasta, I have never been interested in the gameplay in such games, I play similar isometric RPGs for story, so I will play Pathfinder, although I do not like its complex gameplay. BG3 is my favorite, because it combines a story and a simplified (convenient for me) gameplay.
As a result, each game will give you a different experience. I'm confused. Why not try Solasta? It has story, character banter, you create 4 characters, all your own. You live through the story, it's a fun game. I mean, I still think BG3 is better by far, as I've never replayed a game so much, but Solasta is really fun too. I like Solasta more than Pathfinder so far. Don't get me wrong, I like both, but I'd put BG3, Solasta, Pathfinder in that order, though Pathfinder is a very close contender with Solasta.
Last edited by GM4Him; 12/07/21 10:53 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Let me say these are different games that will bring you a completely different experience. This is one of the reasons why I don't understand why people compare them here. It's the same with Pathfinder, which is a very difficult game. I will not play Solasta, I have never been interested in the gameplay in such games, I play similar isometric RPGs for story, so I will play Pathfinder, although I do not like its complex gameplay. BG3 is my favorite, because it combines a story and a simplified (convenient for me) gameplay.
As a result, each game will give you a different experience. I'm confused. Why not try Solasta? It has story, character banter, you create 4 characters, all your own. You live through the story, it's a fun game. I mean, I still think BG3 is better by far, as I've never replayed a game so much, but Solasta is really fun too. I like Solasta more than Pathfinder so far. Don't get me wrong, I like both, but I'd put BG3, Solasta, Pathfinder in that order, though Pathfinder is a very close contender with Solasta. I love written characters and their unique stories, not my own. It seemed to me these are the weakest parts of Solasta, characters and the plot. I think I could try it if I could play with friends, but unfortunately the game does not have a co-op. There are a lot interesting companions in Pathfinder, that's why I rate it higher. I have a lot OC, and I love them! But, this is not the same, because the companions quests are part of the story, which sometimes affects the plot.
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Sep 2020
Let me say these are different games that will bring you a completely different experience. This is one of the reasons why I don't understand why people compare them here. It's the same with Pathfinder, which is a very difficult game. I will not play Solasta, I have never been interested in the gameplay in such games, I play similar isometric RPGs for story, so I will play Pathfinder, although I do not like its complex gameplay. BG3 is my favorite, because it combines a story and a simplified (convenient for me) gameplay.
As a result, each game will give you a different experience. I'm confused. Why not try Solasta? It has story, character banter, you create 4 characters, all your own. You live through the story, it's a fun game. I mean, I still think BG3 is better by far, as I've never replayed a game so much, but Solasta is really fun too. I like Solasta more than Pathfinder so far. Don't get me wrong, I like both, but I'd put BG3, Solasta, Pathfinder in that order, though Pathfinder is a very close contender with Solasta. I've played Solasta. I enjoy Solasta for what it is. But when all is said and done, what Solasta is, is a fairly straightforward implementation of certain portion of the 5.0 ruleset. The 5.0 tactics were unquestionably well implemented, to the extent they were. As for characterization, story, non-combat skill and spell implementation, and lore, Solasta is basic - at best. Reminds me of Temple of Elemental Evil at release, but with 5.0 tactics instead of 3.x. I'll take Pathfinder over that any day of the week, and I still expect BG3 to far outclass Solasta by the time it is finished.