Originally Posted by _Vic_
If you want a comparison, BG3 is a story-based game like bg2; Solasta is a party-based dungeon crawler like the IWD games or the Storm of Zehir expansion of NWN2.
My thought exactly. The latter is basically Icewind Dale 5e: minimum of dialogs, zero plot branching, and dungeoneering all the way. The most noticeable difference is that in Solasta, your party members have much more palpable personalities, to the point of being almost grotesque sometimes, and aren't shy demonstrating it left and right.

Which is actually a very good thing. When you don't have many people to talk to, party banter and their seemingly off the cuff remarks add a lot to the overall immersion.

I played both BG2 and IWD 1/2, and enjoyed all of them. They are just different, that's all.