Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
I completed Solasta once - I have completed BG3

I never understood the comparisons between these two games and am still at a loss for why they keep happening.
You don't understand why the only two games currently available on the market sporting a turn-based implementation of the 5th edition combat system keep being compared? You are at loss about why that happens over and over?

Its Apples and Oranges Tuco. One game is finished and the other is in early access. Granted, its a testament to how polished EA looks for Bg3 but still its still a year from complete.

Its also unfair to Solasta - which does not have the resources to compete with all the features Bg3 has. You add them up and Solasta gets trounced. Solasta cannot afford to give players the kind of freedom BG3 has. It doesn't have the license. It doesn't have the VO, the animation, the writers.

And finally its unhealthy and counterproductive. We had people with zero social skills rolling up here, trashing Larian (not just criticizing BG3) and then telling everyone what a better game Solasta is. That kind of nonsense doesn't help anyone. It didn't win them any Solasta fans here and if the Tactical Adventure devs knew they were doing that they would NOT thank them for it.
