Originally Posted by <Redacted>
Well if you mean Neverwinter MMO that was DnD 4 edition and it was very complicated rules. I played Neverwinter MMO over a year with same friend that said he could play Baldurś Gate 3 with me and my brother. Neverwinter MMO is action combat, but the rules and levelup is not simple you can really mess your character if you do not know best level up choices.

With my brother I played World of Warcraft MMO and continued when it was at top height GLORY with the most popular expansion Wrath of Lich King when it had at peak level over 12 million active players paying monthly sub fee. I quit WOW MMO when Panda expansion was released and my brother quit WOW even before me.

I have also played BG1, BG2 and Neverwinter Nigths 1 and Neverwinter Nights 2.

Best DnD rules and yes I have played pen and paperDnd here according to me these are excellent:
2nd edition BG1 and BG2, DnD 3.5 Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, Pathfinder (that is like evolved DnD 3.5++).

The worst Dnd rules according to me?
Dnd 4th edition. It got much negative feedback. Very complicated rules and they removed much dice rolling and Wizards of the Coast decided to make Dnd 5th edtion a step towards old rules back to dice throwing and more simple rules.
Dnd4th edtion is like Windows 8 to me. I like Windows 7 and Windows 10, but I do not like Windows 8.

DnD 5th rules?
Fairly good though personally not my top favorite rules.

I have played with my brother lots of Pen and Paper roleplaying games of mostly DnD 3.5, but also other roleplaying games GURPS fantasy game etc.

Last edited by Raze; 14/03/22 11:51 AM. Reason: deleted forum account