Originally Posted by nation
i literally said 'sure bugs can delay the update' - lol. now youre straw-manning and looking for an argument.

'And you're assuming a bit too much about how they spent those "~four months" of testing changes, implementing new changes, postponing some changes for the next patch' - i dont even know what you are trying to get at here. like, yes? i hope they spent the last four months doing all those things?

i think we both should just move on and wait for thursday for both the update and patch notes before we 'assume' anything further, bc we know how that makes ppl look.
Ok. Just let me put it in more simple way. Your first mesage in our dialog seemed to imply that Larian suppose to release the full patch notes before the delayed patch because they "would know what changes are making the long-awaited patch 5".
And I'm telling you that they wouldn't know till the very last minute (except they gave us in this exact thread some information on what they are going to release for sure). Because before that last minute they are still testing, debugging and maybe even adding things and may find bugs which may make them postpone certain implementations.
And then you're telling me that it shouldn't be the case because they had "~four months of testing changes". You see now why I'm saying that you're assuming and ignoring the fact about the bugs? You're forgetting to apply this fact to the possibility of postponed in last minute things and that it's not 4 months of pure testing and something could be changed and bring new bugs just yesterday.
I'm not searching for an argument, I'm searching for you people to start understanding why Larian would avoid talking earlier about anything and stop filling the forum with your mispleasure on the matter. In Swen's words from his own twitter:
"I try to avoid talking about what we’re working on now or what’s planned. Not that I don’t want to talk about it but I learnt it brings unneeded pressure to the team. They’ve got enough as is." - and that he answered exactly on demand to tell if they're fixing a certain bug.