Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by alice_ashpool
@tuco, yeah, i'm not making excuses for BG3's flaws and janky stuff, its more that 5e combat doesn't really excite me very much compared to 2e or Pathfinder, and so the major draw for me to BG3 is all the "other" stuff that comes with making a big budget rpg
+1 (though I continue to have a soft spot for 3.5e)

People (not you) in this forum (and in this thread) continue to conflate disliking Larian's homebrew rules with wanting 5e purity. A person can like or dislike 5e. A person can like or dislike Larian's homebrew rules in BG3. The two things are separate and independent factors and a person's preference in one does not determine their preference in the other.

As we are not likely to see a renaissance of 2.0 (much less 1.0) in gaming, and will hopefully never see a return of 4.0, I'm in agreement with the above as well. 5.0 is neat, tidy, and tactically clean - kind of the Felix Unger of D & D - it can keep me occupied if well done, but it isn't inspiring. Pathfinder's 3.x implementation is Oscar Madison, messier, with flourishes here and head - scratchers there - but leaves me far more satisfied and excited as a rule.

I personally find some of Larian's home brew - use of height, environmental factors impacted by spells, shoving, barrelmancy and so on - to greatly increase my enjoyment and immersion in the game - when they are situational, balanced and properly implemented. That balance is, as many have pointed out, not there yet - but I still have high hopes it will be achieved. In all my playthroughs, I have shoved a total of 3 mobs - each time when I thought it was the right situation and when I felt it was something the character would do under the circumstances presented - it was fun, satisfying and something I would repeat - again only if I felt it right at the time. I've yet to even look twice at a barrel - however, show me a battle in an alchemists lab, or a brewery, where a barrel of explosive or toxic materials SHOULD be found, and assuming it is already in a story-appropriate location combat-wise, I wouldn't hesitate to blow it the hell up and take some mobs out - again, totally circumstantial. Ask me to drag around a barrel (forget multiple barrels) and I'm going to ask why in gods name would someone voluntarily wander around with a freaking armed bomb tied to their back?

Solasta is the fairy tale I read back when I was starting to read - young and inexperienced - BG3 is the original Grimm version I read much later in life. Both serve a purpose, both provide a level of satisfaction, but two entirely different weight classes.

Last edited by Anfindel; 13/07/21 09:17 PM.