Originally Posted by GM4Him
Interesting. I always viewed the Narrator as potentially the Absolute; like she is telling the story. So I have no problem with her. 😁

Yep, that's what's so great about the volume control--it's really a very nice option! The player can tailor the narration to his preference! I'd been turning the narrator to 0 volume since D:OS, actually. Glad you like hearing the narration...I've always wanted to talk to someone who does...;) (J/K) I can read the narrated bits at least 3x faster than the narrator reads them aloud without even trying--It's like this, my player character will walk over to a green door, lets say, and open it--all at my direction, even as the narrator would be saying "...what's behind the green door? He walks over to find out..." while on-screen I'm opening a purple door even as the narrator says.."find out"...and etc. But...that doesn't mean my size fits all...hence the genius behind doing the narrator track on separate channel with its own volume control..;)

I'm also delighted to see they are working the CAMP into the game logically as a known location not outside the game stage, and providing the ability to sleep where you are if you have the requisite camping supplies. Nice...

Looking forward to Thursday...;)

I'm never wrong about anything, and so if you see an error in any of my posts you will know immediately that I did not write it...;)