Originally Posted by Blackheifer
I never understood the comparisons between these two games and am still at a loss for why they keep happening. How do you compare a team of 20 with a 250k budget with a team of 300 with a 200+ Million dollar budget?
Rule implementation mostly. When criticisms started to show regarding combat Larian stated that the tabletop could not be translated to a video game format. Then Solasta came out and not only adpated almost 100% faithfully, its combat specially got much praise and is regarded as better than BG3, exactly because it follows the tabletop. I think this will taint BG3's reputation in the future because of the same motives you pointed.
Why can't a 400 people team with 200+ million dollars make a combat that is faithful to the tabletop whereas a 20 people team with 250k can?