Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Originally Posted by Danielbda
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
I never understood the comparisons between these two games and am still at a loss for why they keep happening. How do you compare a team of 20 with a 250k budget with a team of 300 with a 200+ Million dollar budget?
Rule implementation mostly. When criticisms started to show regarding combat Larian stated that the tabletop could not be translated to a video game format. Then Solasta came out and not only adpated almost 100% faithfully, its combat specially got much praise and is regarded as better than BG3, exactly because it follows the tabletop. I think this will taint BG3's reputation in the future because of the same motives you pointed.
Why can't a 400 people team with 200+ million dollars make a combat that is faithful to the tabletop whereas a 20 people team with 250k can?

I've had, or tried to have this discussion before. People who play,- and prefer - singleplayer rarely see the problem - which is fine they have a different set of prerogatives.

There are three pillars of D&D Adventuring -1) Exploration, 2) Social Interaction and 3) Combat. If you remove two of those pillars is it still D&D?

Solasta does well at implementing combat (to some extent), but there is no real exploration, and no social interaction. There is no real choice either and your actions are severely curtailed. Replay value is almost non-existent. The AI is not strong, you can't throw anything in inventory, they implement verticality then overuse it, etc. Sorry, I don't mean to get too much into the issues with how they handle combat.

And I respect that they did somewhat well with that small aspect of the game. However in this narrow focus they also create a combat that is somewhat dull and uninspiring. The other pillars of Adventuring should interact with each other to create more meaningful encounters depending on decisions you have made.

Anyway, that's just my experience. D&D without the group, and without meaningful choices seems like a furtive and sad act performed shamefully in a dark room.

Jesus, all you did was ignore what they said.

Combat feels bad in BG3. That's the comparison most people are making. Everything else so far, is fine. I'm still not sure why this is Baldur's Gate 3 rather than D&D: Mindflayer.

Despite what you say, A LOT of this game will be combat. Larian should aim to make it as fun as possible and Solasta shows that even though it's lacking in a lot of areas the combat is so strong, fun, and faithful to the ruleset it helps shore up its weaknesses.