Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Originally Posted by <Redacted>
D&D without the group, and without meaningful choices seems like a furtive and sad act performed shamefully in a dark room.


1) It wasn't that rude, come on.

2) It was clearly an invitation. Add him on discord.

3) I think his main point was " combat is not the most important part" in D&D while people tend to point at it a lot. Singleplayer experience being the possible explanation for why people tend to focus on combat feedback.

It's an interesting point of view. It's kinda true BG3 feels like Larian focused way more on creating a solid-ish multiplayer/ role-play experience ( for a game requiring +2 years of dev^^ ) while Solasta seems to have focused most of it's budget on combat.

Doesn't mean they won't catch up.

Last edited by Raze; 14/03/22 11:53 AM. Reason: deleted forum account

Alt+ left click in the inventory on an item while the camp stash is opened transfers the item there. Make it a reality.