Well, it is technically Thursday now, lol! But I suppose at 11:59pm today it will still be Thursday, so they'll have until then to release it without losing even more credibility for not holding to their deadline. Which, in turn, will cause them to never announce a release date for anything ever again so as to avoid looking like they messed something up. Whereas they could just learn how to handle working on meeting deadlines, like most of the rest of society needs to do *rant over* smile
I did really enjoy the work they put into their latest Panel from Hell and the great attention to detail they've showed in developing this game, but it would be nice to not be left in the complete and total darkness of unknowing when this game will ever be complete.

I have a few friends who were interested in this game when it was first announced, and then again gained interest when the game got an early release, but quickly lost interest when they saw how stinkin long this game appears to be taking before its finally complete. A few goals of estimated completion time for different stages of game completion would go a long way to encouraging the players to stay involved. Even for me, I literally haven't touched this game for about 3 months since I know that when they update it again all my savedata will be worthless if I want to try out the new content in the next patch.