Originally Posted by alice_ashpool
More thoughts on Solasta:

This is an example of something that seems so minor making a big difference: There is no Mirror Image spell in Solasta. This seems like a small thing, but I had set about trying to make a Sorceress which could sit in the thick of combat leveraging the Draconic Bloodline's 13 base AC. With the concentration mechanics (which I understand for tabletop but hate in general) there are very limited defensive things you can stack together, Mirror Image being one of the only defensive non-concentration buffs. Of course without Mirror Image in Solasta the plan was a whiff from the beginning - sitting in combat with just Blur up wasn't worth it. I really hope they fix this and put Mirror Image in Solasta

Imo, 5e concentration rules is the thing, more than any other, that makes BG3 not feel like BG1 and 2; its such a fundamental difference in play-style - afaik designed to do away with buff stacking, which I like - so again, the more I play of Solasta and the more I get familiar with the 5e style the less hopeful I am for BG3 combat holding anything of interest.

Mirror image is in the SRD, so it being missing was probably a matter of lack of resources/time. In any case, bracers + empress chain (late game) + 20 dex still gets you to 22 AC, and you can buff that to 27 with a reaction if you have shield. Not unhittable by any stretch, but still decent. Note that you could pull this off with the mage armor spell if you went with one of the other subclasses.

If you stack mirror image on that you can get to 36, which IS mostly unhittable, but the required spell slots would be prohibitive. I think mage armor on the sorc subclass that can sacrifice hit points for sorcery points might be stronger. (Just make your sorc a hill dwarf).

Last edited by dwig; 15/07/21 04:18 PM.