Originally Posted by Thrythlind
So if we the player didn't know ahead of time my response would be "what the hell are you doing with that abusive predator? Girl, your employer is bad. Get out of that job."
Okay. Good. This is now getting somewhere. So you say this to her, and then what? What might her response be, do you think? A "nice girl/decent person" response, or something else entirely? I have my own answer. What is yours?

Originally Posted by Boblawblah
I'll be honest, i think the whole Shar thing is going to be the predictable 'haunted past i was forced into but im really just a person that wants to be loved' cliche, ....
I totally agree, and have been saying/predicting this from Day 1. But unlike you, I am very strongly not okay with it. This is exactly the kind of trite, pathetic, superficial cliche in cRPGs that really grates on me.

Originally Posted by Nyloth
There's just too much of it. There is too much of it everywhere. She really looks more like the main character than Tav or anyone else lol.
Yup. Me thinks SH is the true protagonist of the game (prolly the lead writer's beloved character or some such). Our PC is a completely irrelevant and pointless schmuck just along for the ride.