Originally Posted by Niara
Didn't they, last major update, apologise to us about the sheer size of the patch, but, then, explain to us that this would absolutely be the LAST time they had to make us download MASSIVE amounts of data to patch our game, because they'd improved their system for it, sot hat even major patches in the future would all be much smaller and more streamlined in terms of their data weight? They promised this, last patch, that it would be the last time...

And now this patch is 27 gigabytes.
I interpreted that promise as fixing the issue where steam/gog would re-allocate the entire game's worth of space, copy the game over, and then delete one of the versions. Even for patches that only added ~500MB worth of data; turning an update that should be a few minutes into an hour+.

Which it seems like Larian has done, considering the fewer amount of forum posts complaining about this occurrence. Not really something to brag about fixing, but definitely a good fix.