Originally Posted by Boblawblah
I'll be honest, i think the whole Shar thing is going to be the predictable 'haunted past i was forced into but im really just a person that wants to be loved' cliche, but i'm fine with that if they continue to make her more pleasant to be around. I have no interest in having to pass a dozen skill checks just to find out that yes, all those shar icons on my outfit do indeed mean that I'm a follower of shar and i'm glad you don't care and if i don't pass those checks i get treated like a piece of shit for daring to try to get to know her.

Patch 5 is a step in the right direction as far as i'm concerned smile

I think it will be this indeed, and I too am fine with it. Innovation is a good thing, but we should remember that there are some good old stories worth to be narrated laugh

My main problem with SH changes is that pre-patch you had to struggle to keep her around but, after a while, you could have started seeing her good side (her thanks, favourite flower, the wine, the insecurities). You could have started seeing that the edgy Shar-worshipper was an archetype not so well fit for her after all.

Now she just makes sure to remind you she is grateful every three lines of dialogue.

Idk, it seems to me that Larian has succumbed to the pressures of the whiny unable to bear a character who was not compliant from the first minute. It's really a shame though, it would have been much more valuable to discover the true personality behind that evil facade a little at a time rather than right away.