So, I'm sure the topic has already emerged somewhere else but I would like to exhume it.
In my last playthrough, I did 2 long rests (without any power build or cheesing the game btw, so you know that is a true possibility in a normal run).
This means I didn't have the chance to experience a lot of the companion's dialogues, because they trigger each time you go visit your camp.
The main problem, in my opinion, is that for each long rest every companion can't trigger more than one plot-related dialogue (the yellow exclamation point on their head). At the same time, the main plot urges you not to take long rests because you know, the tadpole.
How do you think this thing can be resolved? I have a couple of ideas:
1) Make it possible to trigger more plot-related dialogues on each rest (for each companion). The problem with this solution is that the first dialogue could end with an irritate companion and the next one with a perfectly amicable one, depending on the trigger conditions, without the passing of in-game time to justify the change in mood.
2) Trigger the conversation right after the condition for the dialogue has been met. This solution can slow the pace of the game but at least it will be coherent.
3) Make camping mandatory in some circumstances. Like in Dragon Age: Origins or in Greedfall, where camping was a mandatory step in each area transition. This, of course, means more area transitions.
What do you guys think? Any more suggestions?