Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
...I gotta say, that is one hell of a thread derail...
I am teased to talk about Asia due since you talked offtopic heh... in Tinder in my country I am quite average but I was like SUPERSTAR in Tinder when I visited Thailand first time in early year 2019. Do not get me started on Asia pro... I could do that hehee and yes even highly sofisticated and very good economy countries like South Korea and Japan has skyhigh amount of pro... and that is the tip of a huge iceberg of Asia situation. Many serious relationships also and 2 of my friends have wifes from Asia.

Oh Asia has so much else.. I have trained lots of Asian martial arts and still can moves. Asia makes also good computer games and Playstation consoles. Well and KPOP has become more or less popular music also outside of Asia. Well and there exist Asian movies that I like. Yes and of course nice old culture exists in Asia I know that.

Last edited by Terminator2020; 18/07/21 01:20 AM.