Joined: Mar 2021
I would like to see a better smart evil path. The path in EA is a bit of a mess. Also, playing murder hobo isn't smart evil just fyi.
Smart evil needs motivation to go help the goblins or the thieflings, right now I have to suspend my disbelief all the way to the planet Jupiter. No I prefer stupid evil. But also I think most stupid evil monsters need intelligent female NPCs to tell them what to do.
Joined: Apr 2021
-it would be very nice if using highlight highlighted all interactables PLUS you could change it to a toggle instead of a button hold. plz my fingers get tired holding down alt. -on tooltips : my gf loved divinity 2 and loves bg3 BUT has never played DnD or read the handbook or anything. I don't find the tool tips for spells/abilities lacking but she definitely does. It would be nice if there was an alternate set of tooltips for people who haven't played DnD before. For instance what does it mean for a weapon to be light or for it to be a finesse weapon, what counts as a creature or a humanoid, if "attack/saving throw: Constitution" means a spell rolls using con, where does your proficiency bonus come from, what does the "resistance" that some potions give you do, wtf does advantage mean, what's a critical fail, and what does protection from good and evil protect against are just a some of the things I had to explain. Which is fine but not everyone who hasn't played DnD before will be playing this game with someone who has played it. Obviously a lot of this can be googled but I think all the information needed to play a game should be contained within the game itself. Also the ability to view old tutorial messages would be nice. Alternatively to expanded tool tips a searchable rule book that contains greater details. -to build on the idea of info for noobs in divinity you can see basically all the things your character can get access to by leveling up from the very beginning. For things like moon vs land druid it would be nice to be able to see what the different paths give you down the line rather than just at the current level.
edit : i realize there is a way to view old tutorials i'm just dumb. I do think it should be seachable and more of the info should be in the tooltips for beginners tho
Last edited by Iphis; 19/04/21 05:13 PM. Reason: im dummy
Joined: Apr 2021
on making changing spells outside of a long rest linked to difficulty if you did go that route I think it would need to be a more complex difficulty selection than there is in divinity. Like you'd need to be able to toggle different things instead of having a few discreet modes. Like with sliders that go [infinite spell slots -> spell slots automatically refill after combat -> spell slots refill on short rest -> spell slots only refill on long rest] and [change spells in combat -> change spells out of combat -> change spells on short rest -> change spells on long rest]. then you can mark certain options as recommended and you must be at least this difficulty for achievements or whatever. this would make for a much more customizable difficulty experience. you could also have an enemy/player HP multiplier or a shop cost or a vision cone or whatever slider.
Joined: May 2021
Всем привет, не знаю к сожалению настолько хорошо английский, чтобы изложить все свои мысли на тему игры, по этому пишу на русском, надеюсь это будет возможно прочитать)) Я фанатка серии игр Baldurs Gate с 1998 года и прошла все части более 200 раз, за разные классы с разными сопартийцамии в разных вариантах. Для меня BG это очень особенная игра, больше чем игра детства и конечно, мне очень хочется чтобы BG3 так же стала культовой. Но! Есть ряд моментов, который совершенно ломает атмосферу старых игр. 1) BG1, BG2:SoA, BG2:ToB - игры про диалоги. Основу этих игр составляли яркие персонажи-спутники, сюжет а главное его подача через спутников и nps. BG - не про боевую систему. Это очень важно! Боевая система в BG всегда была максимально вторичная и нужна была просто для галочки. BG3 - про боевую систему, а должна быть в большей своей части про диалоги и сюжет. 2) Диалоги со спутниками в BG3 привязаны к точкам на карте, это ломает отыгрыш. Если я прошла мимо точки на карте, не подошла к 25 сосне у 5 ручья и не разбила лагерь/не обыскала труп/не обратила внимание на бревно в углу - всё, диалоги со спутниками блокируются и независимо от того, какие у вас отношения спутники молчат. Я ничего не могу узнать, нет варианта альтернативного развития отношений. Получается не важно на сколько спутник тебе доверяет, а важно у какого бревна ты разбил лагерь. Из-за этого мы получаем такую картину - если мы не нашли кабана, то никто и никогда не узнает что с нами в лагере вампир. Это очень странно. Это из-за одного кабанчика он решил нами закусить? 3) Мы не можем обсуждать со спутниками важные квестовые предметы в лагере. В деревне мы находим журнал и можем взять его с собой. Но если с нами нет Шедоу Харт мы не можем показать ей этот предмет в лагере и обсудить его. Возможно у меня не срабатывает скрипт, но если нет такой функции, то это опять странно. 4) Вопрос скорее опциональный: почему жрецы и друиды при первой же встречи сразу не понимают, что Астарион вампир? Вообще-то жрецы как раз изгоняют нежить и они её чувствуют. Так же как и друиды чувствуют зло. Когда мы встречаем Бодхи в Тенях Амна, жрецы и друиды сразу понимают что она вампир и предупреждают игрока. 5) Почему наши спутники никак не реагируют на то что происходит вокруг? Например, мы пришли в рощу друидов и видим как Кага угрожает жизни девочки. Почему наши спутники молча за всем наблюдают? Им её не жалко? Им нечего сказать? В BG2 спутники постоянно влезали в наши решения и в начале и в середине и в конце диалога, вплоть до того, что некоторые спутники не давали компромисса и действовали по своим убеждениям независимо от игрока и это делало их живыми. Или мы встречаем Шедоу, потом Гейла и потом встречаемся с Астарионом который хочет убить нашего героя... И все стоят. А там помочь нашему герою никто не хочет? Или хотя бы как-то прокомментировать происходящее... 6) Карта. У нас есть точки перемещения, но невозможно посмотреть общую карту и карту другой местности. Например я хочу из андердарка попасть на поверхность, как мне понять куда нажимать? Название всех точек выписывать на бумагу? 7) Квестовые предметы. Сейчас это вещи без каких-либо опознавательных знаков для чего они нужны. В старой BG, когда мы находили предмет или записку, в описании нам давали подсказку - это можно использовать там. И это было классно, инвентарь не забивался бесполезным мусором, а на использованных предметах стояла пометка что они использованы в таком-то квесте. Менялось их описание. Это удобно. Это было очень удобно. 8) Сюжет. Может быть это субъективно, но я совершенно не понимаю зачем сюжет привязан опять же к точкам на карте? Подходим мы к роще друидов и игра заставляет меня насильно убивать гоблинов. А может я не хочу их убивать. Я иду мимо по своим делам и вообще не хочу с ними никак пересекаться. Хотя бы выбор был помочь или не помочь. В той же BG2 нас постоянно спрашивали хотим мы кому-то помочь или не хотим. А дрались мы обязательно только с теми, кто лично к нашему главному герою имел какие-то личные претензии. 9) Боевая система. Я понимаю, что кто-то этим восторгается, для кого-то это самая яркая часть игры, да, очень классно что всё работает как в днд, как в настоящей настольной игре и всё так здорово, но... не все шахматисты. Я ценю своё время и я не хочу тратить на бой который в реальном времени занял бы 5 минут, тратить 35 минут в пошаговом режиме. Мне понадобилось 112 часов чтобы пройти ранний доступ один раз одним персонажем, в то время как на всю BG1 я потратила 40 часов на основной сюжет пройдя от Кенделкипа до финального сражения с Саревоком. Можно для таких как я, кто привык к быстрым боям, добавить кнопку - kill all на врагов и всё. Это сразу закроет все вопросы. Сюжетный режим - кнопка kill all всех врагов. Большое спасибо за внимание! Я понимаю сколько сил вы вкладываете в эту игру и я очень надеюсь, что она станет шедевром нашего времени.
Joined: May 2021
I was thinking about a way to get rid of the debuff you get from Auntie Ethel. Have the player direct Volo to the eye the hag removed when he makes his attempt to help the player.
Then again, maybe this is just swapping the hag's debuff for Volo's...
Maybe be able to do something interesting with the hag-kissed eye after it has been removed?
Maxim 14: "Mad Science" means never stopping to ask "what's the worst thing that could happen?"
Joined: Jun 2019
Всем привет, не знаю к сожалению настолько хорошо английский, чтобы изложить все свои мысли на тему игры, по этому пишу на русском, надеюсь это будет возможно прочитать)) Я фанатка серии игр Baldurs Gate с 1998 года и прошла все части более 200 раз, за разные классы с разными сопартийцамии в разных вариантах. Для меня BG это очень особенная игра, больше чем игра детства и конечно, мне очень хочется чтобы BG3 так же стала культовой. Но! Есть ряд моментов, который совершенно ломает атмосферу старых игр. You'll have to translate this back to Russian but I've read through your post as best I can using Google translate. The problem a lot you D&D and old time BG enthusiasts don't seem to get is that the genre moved on as technology evolved. The BG and NVN games of old are the way they are not through design but through necessity as a result of the limitations of computers off that time period. BG3 simply cannot follow that same template, albeit with better graphics, and be a major commercial and critical success. BG3 isn't competing against BG2, it's competing against Cyberpunk, TW3, Dragon Age series, to name just a few. This isn't an interactive novel, combat is vital to the core gameplay experience for almost all gamers these days. Combat without an interesting narrative will fail, but so will an interesting narrative without an enjoyable combat system, something this game does not have at the moment. In all modern RPGs they are inextricably linked so no, the game should absolutely not be mostly about the dialogues and the plot, it needs all aspects working together to create an immersive experience. Dialogue is tied to points on the map because of the way games are made. They usually have trigger points for comments or dialogue. You can't have endless reams of dialogue because voice acting is expensive, not just in terms of hiring the actors but also as a resource on your computer. There has to be a limit on spoken dialogue because otherwise it would be too big to download.You give the example where by if we'd never found the boar we'd never know Astarion was a Vampire. Well that's not quite correct because he tries to take a nibble out of you later, but even if he didn't. That being said I whole heartedly agree that you companions need work and should react to certain triggers beyond what they react to now. Another example to yours is when you help the girl overcome her grief and write the song (a really heart warming quest by the way, nice writing there Larian), when she plays The Weeping Dawn your character is smiling and swaying in time to the music. Your companions are stood there with blank looks on their faces, not reacting to the song at all. In another example is when Voldo (the bard?) is in the Goblin camp. If you chose the boo him off the stage option, Astarion approves, but if Astarion is in the party his approval is to have a blank stare on his face as the message flashes up. It would be much more immersive if he laughed or booed himself as the approval message flashed up. The same goes for liking or disliking things, I think a comment about it would add to the immersion level and would be preferable to them standing like a Silent Monk behind you and a message flash up to tell you what just happened. So I agree, there needs to be more life in your companions. As for being forced into a fight, what do you think is going to happen if you stumble on to a group of people wanting to murder another group of people? They probably aren't going to want witnesses. The Goblins are meant to be evil, they aren't going to let you walk way, they're going to want to take you down as well so your forced fight is a fight for self preservation and entirely natural and immersive. Also I'm not sure of you're aware but I'm positive you can manually add map markers which might help your concerns out. To your final point I will again say that this is not a table top RPG, it's not a pen and paper RPG, it's a computer RPG, a video game, it's going to take time to kill enemies, you aren't just rolling a dice and the outcome is set, that's random luck, not skill and almost all gamers want skill involved so no, we don't need a 'kill-all-enemies button'. As I said at the beginning, you are just going to have to accept that the genre has evolved along with the technology and you're going to get a very different experience than you got with BG2. However the game will most likely ship with difficulty levels and like DOS2 (and other games) have a story mode where fights are so easy they're over much faster.
Joined: Feb 2020
Combat without an interesting narrative will fail, but so will an interesting narrative without an enjoyable combat system, something this game does not have at the moment. In all modern RPGs they are inextricably linked so no, the game should absolutely not be mostly about the dialogues and the plot, it needs all aspects working together to create an immersive experience. That's an interresting thought and to me even if they're old it's something BG1/2 did FAR better than BG3 : the link/the consistency between the narrative and combat. In BG3 combats are a (ridiculous) parenthesis in a serious story. After crushing a head with your feet you're jumping like Mario Bros. After listening to a dramatic refugees story you're throwing ennemie's in the air. You're supposed to travel in the FR but you can dip your weapons on candles... There's 36 different creatures in a very limited area... In the name of "fun" Larian's combat mechanics completely broke any sense of immersion in the reality of the world in which the story take place. Of course some mechanics / QoL improvement are necessary in video games but even if D&D's rules are entirely written for players to write/live stories, BG3 combats completely failed to be a consistent part of its story. It's only (not so good) gameplay and nothing more. That's also something that makes BG1/2 legendary games. Wherever you are and whatever you're doing : everything is part of a consistent and coherent whole.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 16/05/21 01:26 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
To your final point I will again say that this is not a table top RPG, it's not a pen and paper RPG, it's a computer RPG, a video game, it's going to take time to kill enemies, you aren't just rolling a dice and the outcome is set, that's random luck, not skill and almost all gamers want skill involved so no, we don't need a 'kill-all-enemies button'. As I said at the beginning, you are just going to have to accept that the genre has evolved along with the technology and you're going to get a very different experience than you got with BG2. However the game will most likely ship with difficulty levels and like DOS2 (and other games) have a story mode where fights are so easy they're over much faster. I am going to disagree heavily with this point saying that it should not be like the PnP D&D cause it reads like you think PnP stuff is always solved with a single dice roll, which is inaccurate. Often times there are passive checks if the DM chooses the use it which just takes your stats in account and passes and fails on that. Even then though, RNG is a big part of 5e. Normal 5e has no kill all enemies button, and combat is a mix of skill and RNG. You have to account for positioning, what affects what, resistances, whether you might hit your allies with a spell, and many other strategical elements. Dice does come in play often though to resolve many attacks and skill checks to add an element of randomness, as if you succeed every single time you open your mouth it is boring in PnP, and it can be boring in a videogame. Because there isn't really much aiming other than for AoEs, you need a system to make it that people can miss, hence the RNG, AC, and Saving Throw Systems. The RNG is not replacing skill, but is filling in for where skill can not function, as without it you would have your instakill button because you would just click and never miss. In fact, many of the DOS elements that have been added have both hurt RNG and Skill elements of D&D because you don't have to strategize as all you need is a barrel and the highground, or a ledge and a mage hand. Combat is over instantly, with nearly no RNG or Skill implemented. BG3 has an instakill all enemies button right now, and so the intended difficulty is gone. Yes the Genre and Technology has evolved, but so has Pen and Paper, and the game systems behind it are tight and can easily work in a computer game. In fact, as much as people hate hearing about it, many bring up that Solasta has done the exact thing of translating pen and paper 5e to a computer game and the gameplay is considered the best part of the experience. BG3 is considered better in cinematics and presentation right now as far as I know. Additionally, saying the genre has evolved doesn't actually help cause yes there are many QoL improvements, but many core things have stayed the same and many things are still quality years later, hence why many many many games still use RNG (even games that have deviated from the Genre like fallout has an RNG system with VATS), Isometric is still considered the ideal view for a game like this, and abilities having limitations like cooldowns or needing a resource like a slot. Heck, you see many parts of the industry returning to older style games like with Pillars of Eternity harkoning back to how BG1 and 2 played. Heck, many of the older series known for their RNG are still staples of the genres they are part of like Fire Emblem, XCOM, Final Fantasy, and even Fallout (with how much it has changed). Being older doesn't make the systems bad, and in fact I don't have the nostalgia associated with BG1 and 2 cause I sadly missed them when I was younger and instead started playing them within the past few years and found them very engrossing with the game systems, party, and combat. Yes we are going to get a vastly different experience from BG1 and 2, but I don't think it is because systems have improved so much as we have changed from AD&D2 to 5e and BG3 has a much more modern presentation, but at the core there is still much that should be the same. Ultimately, I think this game genuinely would become a much better game by becoming closer to the D&D rulesset. I am not saying chuck ever bit of homebrew that makes the game better, there are changes I like, but I am saying move toward a ruleset that has been proven to work with the game and start the deviations from there, and I think you will find that the game will actually become far more skillbased than you think.
Last edited by CJMPinger; 16/05/21 06:37 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Nov 2020
To your final point I will again say that this is not a table top RPG, it's not a pen and paper RPG, it's a computer RPG, a video game, it's going to take time to kill enemies, you aren't just rolling a dice and the outcome is set, that's random luck, not skill and almost all gamers want skill involved so no, we don't need a 'kill-all-enemies button'. As I said at the beginning, you are just going to have to accept that the genre has evolved along with the technology and you're going to get a very different experience than you got with BG2. However the game will most likely ship with difficulty levels and like DOS2 (and other games) have a story mode where fights are so easy they're over much faster. The problem is not about difficulty at all. When I play a fantasy adventure I want to play sword and socery and not pit shoving and barrelmancy. For me the current combat system is utterly without soul and fun. It is a silly puzzle solving game paired with spamming of the same spell/action again and again. I wouldn't care if they threw the D&D 5e System comletely out of the window and created something that I can enjoy. But currently the bare bones implementation of the 5e combat system in Solasta is about 10 times more engaging, tactical, interesting, challenging and fun for me than the Baldurs' Gate system.
Joined: Mar 2021
The problem is not about difficulty at all. When I play a fantasy adventure I want to play sword and socery and not pit shoving and barrelmancy.
For me the current combat system is utterly without soul and fun. It is a silly puzzle solving game paired with spamming of the same spell/action again and again.
I wouldn't care if they threw the D&D 5e System comletely out of the window and created something that I can enjoy.
But currently the bare bones implementation of the 5e combat system in Solasta is about 10 times more engaging, tactical, interesting, challenging and fun for me than the Baldurs' Gate system. You know Solasta seems interesting. I like the level of detail across the board. My biggest complaint is the lack of multiplayer. That seems like a huge miss to me - to create a system that interesting and not build Multiplayer in with a robust DM mode. I know they plan to have tools for module building and mods, but if I can't bring some friends into a campaign then we have a problemo.
Joined: Oct 2020
I want to build my own party, transfer gear from one game state to another, play in my friends games with my character with gear and levels. Maybe they are stuck and need higher level help. Maybe their wizard wants to start the game with a crown of intellect. Who cares, its something RPG games of this sort did for years and years and the thought of jumping into a friends game as one of the poorly written companions just makes me sick. This game seems like it could be fun, if they follow the request of players. For the "thats cheating" group, please add some invite modifiers so they can block people on their fourth or fifth playthrough if they are so offended by a video game.
I dont need this for the EA, but its coming up on a year and this hasnt even been addressed. I DO NOT want D:OS3! There are already enough things to be annoyed with in this game, I just want to know if this will be a feature???
Joined: Mar 2021
Cut the cut scenes...there are way tooooooo many of them!!!
Joined: Mar 2021
I want to build my own party, transfer gear from one game state to another, play in my friends games with my character with gear and levels. Maybe they are stuck and need higher level help. Maybe their wizard wants to start the game with a crown of intellect. Who cares, its something RPG games of this sort did for years and years and the thought of jumping into a friends game as one of the poorly written companions just makes me sick. This game seems like it could be fun, if they follow the request of players. For the "thats cheating" group, please add some invite modifiers so they can block people on their fourth or fifth playthrough if they are so offended by a video game.
I dont need this for the EA, but its coming up on a year and this hasnt even been addressed. I DO NOT want D:OS3! There are already enough things to be annoyed with in this game, I just want to know if this will be a feature??? You know I honestly hope we get this as well, mainly for playing multiple campaigns with the same group against different modules - assuming they use the platform to create additional modules anyway, or the community does, or a third party. We do know we are at least getting DM mode but after the game is released. I can't imagine there not being some way to export players.
Joined: Oct 2020
There is an over use of barrels and explosive options. the shoving doesnt really bother me as if you were in an actualy situation where it could be applicable in dnd I have seen players attempt the same ideas. The odd situation where explosive or flamable barrels may assist in a fight doesnt hurt but there should be a general emphasis that combat is a better alternative for most fights. Currently its just a little bit too much.
Not requiring an action to change weapons bothers me. Wizards casting priest spells bothers me. Ranger not having a clear direction while I do not mind them tweaking it bothers me a little. They seem to be tuning alot to be flashy over accurate. Backstab should work when flanking and height should provide advantage however more areas should be open terrain or limit your ability to use height as much for advantage. Small surface effects dont bother me as thinking outside the box is a dnd type thing to see used. While not all dms would allow it some would I think a more effective way to address it would be to give the options on surface effects to an extent for those that want to limit the creative elements of it. I like the ida of being able to be creative with combat but with certain limitations that are harder to impliment in the earlier part of the game.
I also dislike the fact you cant opt for the 4d6 roll system and starting equipment choices based on gold instead of just being stuck with items a b and c. I do feel they need more companions to give more options to people however I dont feel they need to just create hordes to accomidate to people 1 per class I feel is balanced combined with mercenarys should be more than enough.
The character creators needs a general overhall to feel like you can do more with it. While core elements are present I feel likes its missing a few ingredients from feeling the way it should feel. It also feels like content is coming out far to slow for early access and its very lackluster in the effort to communicate and address this with things like road maps that most other companies present. It feels like it has so much potential that is just being overlooked.
Joined: Oct 2020
We need Better Fly for the game !
It's 2021 now and we really need some way to apply flying other than "greater jump".
I have a vague idea about that: 1. Everyone is flying at a level of 20 feets. Thus it can be achieved by simply add a buff to the charactor 2. Flying creature is immune to melee attack, unless it's from another flying creature 3. Flying creature if immune to difficult terrain and most ground effect( unless it can affect as high as 20 feets. 4. Flying creature moves the same way as "greater jump"
It's not beautiful but already much better than foolish "greater jump" And it's workable!
Joined: Jun 2021
has the main list been updated? It hasn't, and I fear the task is now slightly beyond me at 26 pages. :| But it is collecting a lot of stuff together in one place. My current plan is that feedback will become more focussed into its own topics which can then be deposited here so they can be found easily. Though I admit a certain degree of "I hope this works!" It's also important to bear in mind this is not Larian's only source of information and they are gathering feedback from multiple sources and using a proper bug-tracking system. Hi. New to the forum here and I caught up with your struggle to catch up with the issues. The problem is, you are using the wrong tool for bugs and suggestions. You need something like github issues (you could even use github, it's free). Something that will avoid the same problem being repeated over and over and instead will have a thread showing how much the community agrees or disagrees with it. Each bug, each suggestion, should be a thread for discussions, for "likes" and "dislikes" and for admin/dev response. I'm pretty sure by now you already know that reading and managing all this will be impossible. The idea of hearing the community is great, but if not done properly, it will be overwhelming and most likely demotivate the team (if not already). I was making my own list of bugs and suggestions but after 10 mins in the forum I already know there's no way you (the team) is caught up with it. Another idea is to use polls to communicate with us. Specially regarding the suggestions. A Telegram channel (not group) would be a good start. Just 5 cents from a fellow developer. Cheers
Last edited by gandalf_balboa; 28/06/21 09:40 PM.
Joined: May 2021
As for being forced into a fight, what do you think is going to happen if you stumble on to a group of people wanting to murder another group of people? They probably aren't going to want witnesses. The Goblins are meant to be evil, they aren't going to let you walk way, they're going to want to take you down as well so your forced fight is a fight for self preservation and entirely natural and immersive. Also I'm not sure of you're aware but I'm positive you can manually add map markers which might help your concerns out. Я не уверена, может быть это особенность менталитета, но в России ничего не произойдет)) Серьёзно! Вы можете сидеть на скамейке в парке, а рядом будут драться пьяные мужчины и вам никто ничего не сделает, пока вы не влезете в чужой конфликт. Так что я бы прошла мимо гоблинов как обычно)) Возвращаясь к самой игровой ситуации, почему гоблины обязаны быть злыми? У нас в игре нет мировоззрения, а значит добро и зло отсутствует. У игрока нет никакого морального компаса, игра не наказывает за злые поступки и не поощряет добрые, как это было в старых играх. Я считаю, что это плохо. Игра должна наказывать игрока за злые поступки, чтобы он брал на себя ответственность за свои решения. Опять же, не будь в названии игры Baldurs Gate 3, сидели бы тут одни фанаты DOS2 и радовались всему. Но это не DOS2, отсюда все возмущения, вопросы и недовольства. Нельзя взять игры про сюжет, назвать свою игру 3 частью и при этом не делать максимального упора на сюжет. Если я захочу посидеть в песочнице я поиграю в Скайрим, если я захочу пошаговые бои я включу герои меча и магии 3. Когда я хочу глубокой истории я запускаю Балдурс Гейт 2 и Драгон Эйдж. И в Балдурс Гейт 3 я хочу сюжета и крутых спутников. Всё остальное, бои/активности/механики поверхностей и т.д., это самые не значительные вещи для данной серии игр. Я просто надеюсь, что студия сможет справится с диалогами и сюжетом.
Joined: May 2020
Unit selection should work like it did in BG1 and BG2. The whole idea of chaining portraits is novel but in practice is just very inconvenient. Constantly people follow you into hazards, break stealth, etc. Simply add a speak button for talking to NPCs and let us click and click drag to select multiples. I completely disagree, I love having my characters grouped with chained portraits. Yes it breaks stealth sometimes, but that is just where you need to be onto it aha... much better than the click and drag to select units like you speak of IMHO.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Unit selection should work like it did in BG1 and BG2. The whole idea of chaining portraits is novel but in practice is just very inconvenient. Constantly people follow you into hazards, break stealth, etc. Simply add a speak button for talking to NPCs and let us click and click drag to select multiples. I completely disagree, I love having my characters grouped with chained portraits. Yes it breaks stealth sometimes, but that is just where you need to be onto it aha... much better than the click and drag to select units like you speak of IMHO. While I am "fine" with it, many are not and it does cause many issues. Breaking stealth, characters following in a weird way, and generally not controlling intuitively.