Well I have today let from STEAM installed the Solasta and now played it for hours the character creation took long time. I have been sworn in by the Council
that is not huge spoiler it is so early in the game. Well and I can level up to level 2 if I go and sleep.

First impression after playing hours of Solasta.
+ Character Creation has some good things.
+ If you want one can create whole party 4 characters. I find this odd though you can only select premade characters
or create 4 characters there seems to be no companions you can get at least not in super early game.
+ Music farirly ok.
Neutral; Controls both like it and do not like it.
Neutral: Main story? To early to judge that.
Neutral: I had to check some guides when created characters.
- Time consuming if you want it all to be hack and slash combat the beginning is quite the opposite. On other hand I undestand a level 1 character can
die easily. Well and in beginning there is kind of tutorial.
--- Characters look like some wierd dolls and not handsome or attractive. Monsters can look better but really B class graphics in characters! This
does disturb immersion a lot! In pen and paper roleplaying you can fantasize when GM does descrbe npc:s
- To be so called close to DnD there are races that should not exist.
- For being already released game not many classes to choose from.
- No intro movie that really impressed me.
- Finding way can sometimes be a bit confusing. This is a bit opposite of fast hack and slash gameplay.
First impressions vote: 7.75/10

How did I create characters and what kind of group?
I rolled but not many times when did good roll took it...
Character members in alphabetic order classes:
Cleric (Battle Cleric since could choose domain immediately).

One of the characters since my party lack Thief has a nasty background that gives access to open locks, disarm traps and loot etc.
What challenge level did I choose or custom?
I took the default that is most close to real pen and paper roleplaying.

Last edited by Terminator2020; 20/07/21 12:25 AM.