Originally Posted by Terminator2020
That being said 7/10 is not so bad rating. I have plans to try play through the main campaign. Could I raise my vote? In theory yes, but for now seems 7/10.

I think we're so used to gaming magazines using 6-7/10 to imply "literally unplayable". Anything under that is pretty much "I dislike the franchise/company/I have a personal grudge with someone who likes it/whevs" comedy score and the surprisingly not-at-all-rare 10/10 is "I'm trying to score a freebie/I have been given a freebie/my mate who I haven't fallen out with yet works there and might get me a job" leaving at best two or three usable scores, ranging from "meh" to "pretty good" based on a maximum of 20 minutes' playing time.

But the music and film press set the standard decades ago. Yeah, looking at you, NME, where the album reviews mostly consisted of some hack showing off his vocabulary of the obscure.

J'aime le fromage.