I played both and to my taste Solasta is much more enjoyable. BG3 is still EA yet Solasta gameplay feels more rewarding and it has a fraction of BG3's budget. BG3 has strange approach when it comes to rewarding player choices. For example, the consumable from the witch gives a temporary +1 ability boost until a long rest! Why? I think because they try things on the already flawed long rest mechanics. I mean instead of setting a clear resting mechanic they blackmail players by losing a cool buff if they take a long rest! BG3 is a game where you can take endless and conditionless ( c'mon now we all know food hording is no problem ) long rest yet you have only 2 short rest between long rests! This is just bad design. Why not just implement already working 5e rules? It feels like developers wanna do smth different but do not know what to do!

Solasta, on the other hand has clearly defined mechanics and it plays well.

Its' story is not based on player choices but a solid linear one, graphics are comical compared to BG3 which I really don't care as long as the gameplay is challenging, rewarding and satisfactory.

Both games has their flaws, BG3 is still in EA. However, you can use special arrows with rogues' sneak range attack in Solasta smile I know it is just an example but things like this are much more important to me than romance options in a CRPG game.

Last edited by sinogy; 22/07/21 10:33 AM.