Originally Posted by 1varangian
Originally Posted by CJMPinger
Except the plot is already "Epic" touching on enemies you would be fighting at 15-20.

Illithids, Githyanki, Dragons, Devils, and the like are not low level enemies, and in fact are an indication that we have practically started at the epic level in enemies and stakes, to where Goblins almost feel like whiplash.
Larian does like to frontload all that or show off, which I'm not a fan of, but fighting them can easily come later at 9+.

We are still actually fighting goblins and lower level enemies and none of that stuff. Except the Githyanki patrol where the dragon conveniently flies off when combat starts.

I am more saying the teased opponents are things you would fight around 14 or so. Heck, some possible "opponents" are the type of thing a level 20 part y would face, for example if we ever had to fight Vlaketh who has some role to play in this plot. And if the Absolute is a god or a proper demigod of some kind (seeing as being worshiped makes you one), I wouldn't want to face them before level 20 thats for sure.
The pieces currently in play really feel like high level pieces, not the kind of level 1-10 pieces your dm would put on the board, even for teasing and front loading.