Joined: Feb 2021
Hi Everyone. Here is a fan fiction in case you're interested. I've written this story for several reasons: 1. It was really fun. 2. I wanted to show how this game could play out if it was a D&D 5e game session using true D&D 5e rules (to the best of my knowledge) and stats, etc. Except for maybe the dialogue, the mechanics could easily be implemented into the game, and this story shows that it could work (most anyway). 3. I am hoping someone from Larian will read it and get some ideas on how to improve the game as well as story ideas, etc. Man I'd love to see some of these things incorporated into the game.  4. I'm hoping those who don't think this is a Baldur's Gate Game will see how it is, in fact, a Baldur's Gate Game. Have you played it and thought it wasn't worthy of BG1 and 2? Read this story, and you'll see how it COULD all fit together. There are SO many elements of the game that I put into this story to write it all together as one cohesive tale. Once you read it, play the game again and look for a lot of the items I reference in the story. I hardly had to create anything myself. I just took what they have in the game, and I started piecing it all together myself with my own fan theories (and a few others). 5. And most of all, I hope others will enjoy reading it. This link includes the Prologue and Chapters 1=15 (Parts 1 and 2). I hope to finish Part 3 after I finish my Patch 5 playthrough. I certainly hope you all enjoy it. It's like a novel, and I haven't even finished EA. By the time the full BG3 game is finished, I could probably write like 3-4 novels with just this one storyline. Possibly more! It's insane! There's so much here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RSMY91OV1fwnWJk0QtqQ4irYhELyHFBr/view?usp=sharing
Joined: Feb 2021
OMG!!! You even put something into the Traveler's Chest description stating that only The Afflicted can use the chest. Nice! Not sure if you meant that for me, but hey. I'll take it.
Joined: Jun 2019
I look forward to reading this, as I am writing my own Baldur's Gate fan fictions. I'm almost done with Shadows of Amn and I think I'll be doing Throne of Bhaal before the year is over.
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Joined: Dec 2019
Warning Heavy spoilers speculation from fan of series and veteran GM. ** As a BG veteran and bit of story Teller myself too, Few things most likely happen. Unless our Heroes stop it.
Mindflayer parasites are being used to spread cult of Absolute by Dead three altered by netherise magic to prevent ceremorphosis, bit mindflayers has a kill switch on them to lauch fullscale invasion of mindflayers that has planned to return from timeloop to restore their Lost Empire.
Gates of Hell shall Be opened on The Baldur's Gate plundging The City into Avernus such as The Elturel did on Decend and chaos of bloodwar waged on streets of Baldur's Gate. Thus we Gould run into Raphael and Zariel & Lulu.
Githyanki and The dragons comes fight against their mortal Enemy of mindflayers. All of those factions shall try to get infernal artifact possessed by shadowhearth that seems to relate pact between githyanki & Tiamat.
All This chaos fighting and death IS The complot of The Dead three to accend once again to godhood such as mortal lives to Be their sacrifice to accend into godhood.
Thus says The a wise Alondo **
Joined: Feb 2021
@AranSIRE Thanks for posting. Great ideas. I'm always interested to see what others' theories are. It helps me to write the story. I was talking with another fan on Steam, and some of their ideas were crafted into the story as well; particularly about Wyll. During different conversations, I wove the theories in so that the conversations feel even more like dialogues and not just the thoughts of one person. I really hope you enjoy/ enjoyed reading the Afflicted. I started writing it just for fun and to provide Larian some proof that D&D 5e rules and stats could work, for the most part, in this game. Then I also got new ideas and suggestions for the game while playing it through with a party of 4 players. So I do hope someone from Larian reads it and brings some of the concepts and ideas to the table while they complete the game. Even if they don't, though, it's been fun. I think I'm nearing the end at last, and I can hardly believe it's become a 600 page book. This is EA! It's not even the full game! I wonder how many novels I could write once the whole game comes out. Anyway, thanks again for replying. Let me know if you have any other theories, etc. As I write up the end of the EA, you never know, I might just throw a few of your ideas into the story as well. 
Joined: Feb 2021
OK. I've created a blog now to make it easier to see pics of BG3, to find the links to my story, The Afflicted. I'm removing the pics from the actual document since they are on the blog. Also, I have finished the story. The Afflicted Book 1 ends before journeying on to the next areas of the game. So although EA goes beyond the story I've written, it felt more appropriate to end it where I did. Finally, I am now moving on to work on a version of the story that takes out all the Tabletop dice rolls, etc. So I will have two versions. Version 1 is the original Tabletop Game Sessions written out in narrative form with dice rolls and DM decisions and level ups and so forth. Version 2 will be full narrative without all that extra stuff, and maybe more descriptive combat as opposed to, "Vexir took a swing and rolled a 19. Hit. She did 8 damage." It'll be something more like, "Vexir took a swing, but it was a glancing blow off the goblin's armor. She swung a second time, and the goblin's head flew through the air to smack into the wall with a sick cracking sound." Here's the link: https://baldursgate3theafflicted.blogspot.com/Please feel free to post your thoughts here or on the blog. I'm so interested in everyone's opinions and thoughts. Thanks.
Joined: Feb 2021
One more quick note. I've cleaned up the entire story a bit in terms of chapters, etc. and parts. So, if you have been reading it and are looking for where you left off, it might be a bit challenging. My apologies. It should be easier going forward. Basically, the chapter titles are roughly the same as the section titles previously, so that might help. Also, here is a breakdown of what I did. The Prologue was broken out into several parts. Now there is one prologue and it only leads up until the PCs meet for the first time prior to even starting their journey. The rest of what once was the prologue are now Chapters 1-4. This is basically the game's tutorial. Chapters 5-49 are everything up through the end of Part 1. Previously, this was everything up through Chapter 7. Chapters 50-89 are Part 2. Previously, this was everything from Chapters 8 through 18. Chapters 90-the Epilogue are Part 3, the Conclusion. Previously, this was everything from Chapters 19 through to the end. Hope this helps. Thanks. Oh. And don't use the old links. Use the blog link and access the parts from there. The old links might confuse you more. Here's the link: https://baldursgate3theafflicted.blogspot.com/
Last edited by GM4Him; 27/08/21 05:23 PM.
Joined: Feb 2021
For anyone who cares, I've updated the blog by adding the Narrative Story to it. The Narrative Story is the same story as before except without all the dice rolls and game elements. The original version was based on a tabletop playthrough and included all of the D&D 5e Tabletop elements such as recording equipment, dice rolls, rules, etc. The Narrative Story version is strictly the Baldur's Gate 3 story with the Custom Characters from the sessions. It is a total story walkthrough of the entire EA up until the Underdark with various fan theories incorporated within and so forth. So, of course, major spoiler alert for those who have not played the game yet. I'm still working on it, but I've uploaded Parts 1 and 2, which are the first 2 days of the adventure. I'm working on Part 3 now. Let me know your thoughts, etc. Here's the link: https://baldursgate3theafflicted.blogspot.com/
Joined: Feb 2021
Updated blog with BG3 Timeline. The timeline is all the events that occur before the game. So, you can see in chronological order when Moonhaven was destroyed or when the tieflings first came to the grove, etc. This is all based on items found in the game. I plan to also include a few events that are related to the Afflicted story too, but those are not included now, and I'll highlight them or something to designate they aren't actually apart of the game. Blog site is here: https://baldursgate3theafflicted.blogspot.com/?m=1
Joined: Feb 2021
Joined: Feb 2021
Man! People on Steam are brutal. Put this on Steam and two people were vicious, calling me a brain cancer patient for writing it. Sheesh! Reminded me why I started posting on this site.