New camping system is much better. Old one wasn't even a system it was just pressing a button to reset abilities and HP.

I just don't understand why the camps need to be completely separate disconnected areas. There are campfires and an abundance of suitable locations like camps and houses already scattered all over the game world. Why can't they use these? Why do we need to teleport to some weird unreachable location that looks somewhat similar to where we were? It's still weird when it could be much more simple and straightforward.

Also inactive companions and skeleton vendors showing up in a crypt camp and then disappearing again after rest makes no sense whatsoever.

I would have definitely used actual locations in the game world and set up a fast travel system using the camps as waypoints (instead of the unnecessary magical teleportation system that also doesn't make sense in the context of Forgotten Realms).

Locations like:

Ruined temple main hall with campfire/fireplace.
Camp at the druid grove above the entrance or further inside with the Tieflings.
Abandoned Harper camp on the hill.
Empty house with a campfire/fireplace in Blighted village.
Abandoned beach camp at the Sunlit Wetlands.
+ add a makeshift beach camp near the starting location

etc. etc. possible locations are really frequent. This would be immersive and also make sense without adding any complications of why someone is in the wrong place or why you teleport to a weird mirror dimension location.

Last edited by 1varangian; 24/07/21 01:59 PM.