Originally Posted by Terminator2020
Originally Posted by sinogy
Originally Posted by sinogy

If that's the case then it's gonna be a big problem for gamers. No gamer, except for few super tabletop nerds, will sit through a CRPG for hours maybe days without leveling up aka having character progress.
Originally Posted by Terminator2020
What nonsense. This is not World of Warcraft. Well and yes I played WOW over 3 years back in the day a long time ago. Quit when the silly theme Panda expansion was released. There is not constant level progression in WOW, but there is constant power progression since they constantly add more powerful equipment such as for example armor, weapons etc. I did not start WOW from the super early days but during my slow levelup Wrath of Lichking was released the most popular WOW expansion and I got to experience Wrath of Lichking when it raids was the most newest PvE raid content. Voluntary PvP battlegrounds was also nice. During that time at peak of Wrath of Lichking there was more then 12 million active WOW subscriptions that paid monthly fee that was the top of WOW glory days.

I already noticed in BG3 ALPHA Early Access that I hit level 4 way to fast for my taste.

Max level between 10-13 at full release is fine and I would be perfectly happy if they cut it to level 10 as was actually in the beginning said.

Thank you for sharing your unrelated WoW story with us even tho it makes no sense in this thread's context.

Well back in the days when I played WOW it was slow levelup to reach max level. I do not want fast levelup or high levels in this game find high level roleplaying often boring.
In addition BG3 starts from level 1. BG1 started from level 1 and had max level 7. BG2 was high levels yes, but started from higher levels.

Max level BG3 for full release 10 would be perfect and they migth increase that very slightly to level 11-13 which I find ok.
It is you that are minority that want fast levelup and high levels for full release.

It is clear that you are confused. WoW progression is completely unrelated to games like BG. They are completely separate genres and universes.
BG1's max level cap was obviously the investment for the sequel given high and fast levels of BG2.

Larian knew they shouldn't set progression to max possible so that they keep their investment alive for future content. They also knew cap of lvl10 was inadequate for mainstream target players (who are not like you) and that's why they decided to increase the cap for few more levels which could be giant progression leap in DnD mechanics. For example, there is a huge difference between lvl10 fighter and lvl13 fighter, the difference no item or side progression can provide unlike games like WoW where end game side progression is everything.

You are wrong thinking a game company would make AAA games specifically for people like you. They wanna make their target as large as possible that's why they need to give the satisfaction of progression. 5+5+3 or 4+4+4 (+-1) would give enough satisfaction in a 3 acts game for majority players. Others like me who do not wanna wait for another couple years because a company wanna make more revenue will use mods.