I actually insinuated about this in my Feedback post, particularly because I'm also Ace (aromantic). I think it would really help if Larian included non-sexual Romantic scenes for the party, not just for orientation representation, but also for role-playing aspects where MC might be True Good or some other trait that might affect how early it comes to sex for their character. I normally don't have too much of an issue with sex in games, but seeing as how Larian looks to cater to realistic romantic relationships for players, this seems the most obvious option to add.

Spoilers ahead:

Also mentioned in my feedback post is how unrealistic the Poly route for Lae'zel is. (Quoting myself, Polyamorous does not = anyone and everyone.) If you don't sleep with Lae'zel during party night, she ends up sleeping with another Companion, which breaks her character (her lowly views of Companions). My suggestion for this was not to eradicate Companions having sex in general when not with MC, but to have sex with an outside NPC where there are no strings attached. Most of us don't really go out of our way to have sex with someone we dislike or feel forced around just because we're horny (exes tend to be the exception, though).